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Everything posted by carrieb258

  1. I am interested in the pink and orange sasches and the table runners, depending on shipping x
  2. I would be interested in the thank you sign depending on shipping costs x
  3. Its getting really exciting now we are getting so close - my dress arrives in next week, can't wait to try it on again!!! I think we have all the big things done except for the rings which we are doing this weekend. It is now just the little things, which i am terrified of forgetting something....
  4. I would be very interested in the sashes, and all the lanterns too!!
  5. Hi my colours are pink and orange so I could be interested in buying some items off you! Carrie x
  6. That is a really lovely idea - I love the idea of bubbles!! How are you going to get them to Mexico without them leaking? I too am very excited only 13 weeks till we get married and just over 12 weeks till we fly! I cant stop thinking and doing wedding stuff I think I am driving my FI mad! We bought the boys suits last weekend - they are lovely, and this week I had a mammoth spend booked the seats on the plane, paid the deposit on our catamaran trip, and booked our DJ. We also sent out planning forms to our WC last week which was exciting, but so scary making all those decisions now! I am having a midday wedding (not by choice!) and its hard trying to fill a whole day with activities! I have bought a second dress (and shoes) for the evening reception just in case i want to die wearing my heavy dress all day! Its a very simple short ivory knitted dress not weddingy at all but will be so much cooler and comfortable. Is anyone else taking a change of clothes?
  7. Hi Bonnie, We are using Sascha for our wedding in November - was he as amazing as I think he's going to be? x
  8. Yes its true, I'm afraid to say, i am also divorced and you do need to be divorced a year. I would recommend either waiting until the year is up or getting legally married at home and then doing a symbolic ceremony in Mexico. There would be nothing worse than planning the day and then not being able to do it. Good luck x
  9. Hi Curtney, I also love your set up it looks beatiful and your photos are simple stunning you must be so pleased!!! I have emailed the WC to see how much they will charge. Did you have to pay extra for the chairs as well?? Also did you bring your own lanterns? Were they battery operated ones? Carrie x
  10. Lol me too - am already planning our second honeymoon my poor h2b's wallet is creaking just at the thought of it! I seriously think we will have post wedding boredom instead of blues - what on earth am I going to plan!
  11. I know its amazing how much work goes into these events - and people think getting married abroad is easier!!!!! I for one am loving all the planning I am going to be so bored when it is all over, won't know what to do with myself :-) Have all you girls picked up your dresses yet?
  12. The bluestar fish please!! We are getting married 10 November 2011 in Tulum Mexico and I am from England....this is such a good idea x
  13. Welcome and congrats
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