Hi Cindy, It may be too late to give you advice about this company, but here it goes: We used them also for our wedding. After we were sold on what their services were, we quickly found out it was a sales technique to lock us in for business. Everything they offered us before we put a down payment was totally different than what we received. They played themselves as wedding coordinators/ planners and really all they are is a travel agent who never gets back to you in any reasonable time. An email took almost 2 weeks everytime to get answered by them. After being very mistreated and verbally abused by the owner of the company (I believe her name is Lorraine), she put us in contact with the real wedding coordinator at the resort. She was very helpful but it was very hard to plan a wedding from far away. Especially when we were mislead into thinking it would be done here with "The Wedding Holiday". I highly dont recommend the "The Wedding Holiday". After all was said and done we just had way more headaches and paid more money to have horrible service when we could of just got in touch with the resort ourselves and did the exact same planning. Dont let them sell you on "if anything happens with the resort or the country we can move you to another one no problem". Anybody can do that for you actually and after researching that the chances of that happening are like 1 in a million. I hope your wedding goes well, after all it is your day. Dont let these poeple ruin it for you like they did ours. Good Luck!