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Everything posted by Lo2011

  1. To African Venus: For you is a religious matter, but not everybody believes in the same religious you do. Others don't believe at all. That is why "marriage" it is NOT a religious matter. Religious should NOT bound law. Her statements are discriminatory and not only gay but also straight people don't want nothing to do with people who discriminates. Using your "lights" terms tomorrow the owner of a business can fire people because they are gay and he/she doesn't want to have gay people working with them. Ot even women, or african american, or people from other religious. I hope not everybody thinks the way you do because nobody should discriminate anybody because of religion, color of skin, gender or sexual orientation.
  2. So, my partner and I were planning our amazing wedding in Puerto Vallarta to find our that there are vendors in Mexico who discriminates because of sexual orientation. A little bit of background here, in 1991, the Mexico Constitution was amended to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, among other factors. Therefore, it makes it illegal to discriminate someone because of her or his sexual orientation. I contacted Priscilla Arminio from Prisar Vallarta (www.prisarvallarta.com) and after exchanging emails, she finally got back to me with the following discriminatory statement, I will translate for you as it was in Spanish. Spanish version as it was sent by her on October 12, 2011: Hola , Me da mucha pena pero aún y cuando respetamos y no juzgamos los matrimonios gays, somos cristianos y no compartimos esa convicción, que como te repito respeto. Desde que iniciamos hacer bodas mi esposo y yo acordamos no organizar estos matrimonios ya que van en contra de nuestras creencias. espero me comprendas! Saludos Priscilla Arminio English version: I am really sorry, but while we respect and don't judge gay marriage, we are catholics and we don;t share that conviction, although we respect. Since we begun our business, my husband and I agreed not to coordinate gay marriage because it goes against our believes. I hope you understand. Regards, Priscilla Arminio So, let me analyze this, a marriage it is not a religious matter, it is a civil right matter we are still trying to fight here in US to get equal rights. A marriage is about love. By the way, I am catholic too, raised under the roman catholic church but I am also gay, it is who I am and I am proud of that. I want to marry the person I love and it really makes me sick to hear discriminatory statements like this. Because someone that uses her religious believes can certainly discriminates someone of a different religious or different skin color, where does it stop? We all come in different shapes and forms and it is about time we stop discriminating each other. Priscilla's email is disgusting and discriminatory, it is insulting and unnecessary. Hope you don't do business with her and don't support the business of a person who clearly thinks gay people don't deserve the same rights.
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