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Everything posted by allik

  1. nsblum - thanks so much for your advice! I did end up booking the Somerset and I have been working with Diane who has been great. I'm also doing my rehearsal at Bay Bistro. We are not going to have the opportunity to get down before the wedding which made picking the location a bit stressful! It also makes the food choices tough since we won't be able to do a tasting. If you have any recommendations for the cocktail hour/reception at the somerset and/or the rehearsal dinner at Bay Bistro, please let me know! I would love to hear about what worked/didn't work for you. Also, thanks for recommending Shenique. Did she do hair/makeup for your bridal party as well? Also, we were planning to use the Atabeyra on Thursday night for a sunset sail - hopefully it will be ok for the group! Thanks again! It sounds like you had an amazing wedding experience there which is great to hear!
  2. Krys, you are a life saver!!! Thanks so much for your response (and I have read many of your other posts on this forum). For one step down from Somerset/Regent Palms in price, what would be your top recommendations? We have pretty big group (100-120) so we need a place big enough to accommodate a sit-down reception but we are also trying to stick to our budget! I really like Bay Bistro/Kissing Fish for the rehearsal dinner so are there other hotels in the area that might be a bit less expensive for the reception than Somerset/Regent Palms? THANKS AGAIN!
  3. Hi Ladies! I am new to the site and reading your discussions and helpful hints has been so helpful in trying to decide where to have our wedding in T&C. I think we are close to booking for either May 21 or June 4, 2011 and my 2 top options are the Somerset and the Regent Palms. I know that they are next door to each other and seem to be quite similar in price and style but does anyone have any advice regarding pros/cons of each? The rooms at the Regent Palms are a bit more expensive - can anyone comment on whether they are actually nicer than the Somerset? I think we will do the rehearsal at Bay Bistro, Tropical Imaging for photos, not sure about hair/makeup, and a catamaran ride or something similar for guests on Friday before the rehearsal dinner (does anyone have a recommendation?). Thanks and congrats to all!
  4. Your photos are amazing! I was not originally considering the Gansevoort but now I think I will. Did you go with a separate wedding planner or did you just use the resources on-site? Thanks so much!!!
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