Planning a wedding seems to really show you who your true friends are. I always like to think that if something is important to someone, they will go after it and make it happen. I think his brother may be a little jealous, and in his own childish way, they are being difficult to get back at you. Just remember, they will be the ones sitting home during your wedding, while everyone else is celebrating. They will definately see the pictures and the hurt will sting them for missing such an important event. The little getaway they are planning is in lieu of your wedding and their attempt to draw attention to themselves. I would say, do your best to show them it doesn't bother you and hold your head high. Go to the family events and smile, because you are marrying your best friend. If they don't want to be part of it, that's their problem. Hopefully they will give you a nice gift since they can't make the wedding. Even if they don't, just picture how happy you're going to be in your wedding dress. I hope this helps