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Everything posted by chelito

  1. Hi ladies if any of u are interested this a good website with lots of cute favor ideas. Check it out, I saw the same flip flop luggage tags here. http://www.incasagifts.com
  2. Hello, I'm also getting married the same week. It's getting very close
  3. We are getting married on the 15th of June we arrive on the 11th. Good luck
  4. We are gertting married on June 15th, we arrive on the 11th. Good luck
  5. Katelyn, Quick question which restaurant is grill and the italian?? Can't really tell from the photos Thanks
  6. Hi Ladies, I am getting married at the GBP too on June 15th. Do any of you kinow what the choices are for decorations and flowers?? Thanks
  7. Hello Everyone, I'm getting married in Jamaica- June 2011 at the Gran Bahia Principe. Any advice would be great
  8. Hi, I just booked my wedding at the Gran Bahia Principe Runaway Bay Jamaica. Any advice or suggestions would be nice. Has anyone been to this resort for a wedding?? It's nice to see that there are lots of destination brides out there. Look forward to hear from u L <3
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