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Everything posted by JetsettinBride

  1. How do you make the monograms? Is there special software that you have to use or do you use different templates?
  2. Hey Ladies!! I'm going on my Mexico Site Visit next month!! I'm will be staying at Silversands Resort! I'm so excited. Although Silversands is my #2 choice. I thought it would be nice to stay there and try it out since its in the Puerto Moreles/Riviera Cancun area. I've stayed in Cancun 3 times already so I wanted to stay in another area. So if you ladies have any questions please let me know and I will be sure to ask the onsite WC all of your questions. I'm so excited. I cant wait. I'm going to look at other resorts too while i'm there. When I get back I'm going to do a full review on all the resorts I visited. I will be sure to take lots of pics too!
  3. Hey Ladies!! I'm going on my Mexico Site Visit next month!! I'm will be staying at Silversands Resort! I'm so excited. Although Silversands is my #2 choice. I thought it would be nice to stay there and try it out since its in the Puerto Moreles/Riviera Cancun area. I've stayed in Cancun 3 times already so I wanted to stay in another ares. So if you ladies have any questions please let me know and I will be sure to ask the onsite WC all of your questions. I'm so excited. I cant wait. I'm going to look at other resorts too while i'm there. When I get back I'm going to do a full review on all the resorts I visited. I will be sure to take lots of pics too!
  4. Thanks! I love you BDW Brides!! You guys really help one another out! Thanks for the research!
  5. Love your Dress! The 2nd Dress says " Im the BRIDE...LOOK at ME". Great Choice! Whats the Designer/Style of the dress?
  6. Shopbop.com just launched a new Wedding Boutique. They offer bridal dresses, and BM dresses as well as attire for your honeymoon. If anything you can browse the boutique to get out ideas on your looks for the wedding day, honeymoon, etc. http://www.shopbop.com/ci/3/wedding/bridal-and-wedding-2011-no-prelude.html
  7. Just checking in. I'm did my weekly self weigh in for WW and I was down another 4lbs!! Go Me!!
  8. Your DRESS Is BEAUTIFUL!!! Its like it was made just for you! Good Pick!
  9. Hi Ladies. I dont think I've checked in about a MONTH!!! I've been slacking. But I started back on 2/28 and I did my first WW (online) weigh on March 7th and I was down 4lbs for my first week. So i'm excited to weigh in again on 3/14. I am going to gym at least 5 or 6 times a week for Cardio and 2 of those nights I do a "Body Pump" Class @ Golds Gym.. Body Pump class is where you do a lot of tonning strength exercises to music and you work all the major msucle groups. So i'm liking that alot.
  10. @MissFRAMBOESA - Congrats on renewing your Vows! Yeah mainly my family was saying they thing of me choosing Cinco de Mayo was CoRny! But I didnt> I just wanted a a May wedding then I thought why not Cinco de Mayo. But now my brother will be in the middle of exams so I'm by passing may al together and doing a July wedding.
  11. @Vacationsrthebest - Wow Your makeup looks GREAT!! So I assume this is the MAC Cancun at the shopping mall located on the Hotel Zone strip? So how much did she charge to come to your hotel? Makeup $$ and the price for hair $$?
  12. I like #1. Its more modern. If you want to dod pearls maybe just go with a single strand pearl necklace.
  13. Thanks BrideMoka. Yes, I decided against a Cinco de Mayo wedding. My brother would be in the middle of Final Exams for college and I dont want him to be stressed during my wedding weekend. So I'm looking at alternative dates. Also, as you stated about it being a busy weekend where a lot of other tourists may be flying in to celebrate Cinco De Mayo.
  14. Thanks Maritza! Well I ruled out March and April b/c of Spring Breakers. As well as other people planning spring break trips with for their families. So i know iwth June, July and August will definitely be the hottest months to have a wedidng but I would definitely only have the ceremony at 4pm or later. Yes I cant wait to have a date done and confirmed. I believe half of the stress would be over with it.
  15. @Maritza919 - We are kind of in the same boat. I think in the beginning I was so concerned about making a wedding date based on everyones schedule. I knew I wanted a 2012 but didnt really care about the month. I just wanted good weather, so why not May, right. But, when I started throwing it out to my family I there were a lot of groans about it. My Brother is in colllege so that would be the start of his Final Exams so he would be a ball of stress and probably would not be able to take his exams early. My sister would be in high school so May would be probably be around her prom season. So I just didnt want to it to be so hectic for my immediate family. Now I'm thinking more of a June, July or August date.
  16. Hi magikstarrynite, Yes, I've looked at a a couple of the Palace Resorts. Dreams Cancun, NOW Cancun, Dreams Los Cabos and LeBlanc and the Hard Rock Punta Cana. I'm still trying to narrow it down.
  17. @Scuba Stevi - I have used the Daily Plate in the past, but I like these 2 FREE Sites better LOSE IT! www.loseit.com or Sparkpeople www.sparkpeople.com are better than Daily Plate. Also go to Womens Health Magazine website they have a lot of FREE workouts http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/workouts search around you will find great workouts! Good Luck! Happy Losing!!
  18. Very NICE and MODERN!!!! Do you have contact information for them or a website. Or did they just do this specifically for you?
  19. Congrats Big3n09 and WELCOME BACK!!! I love to hear when things work themselves out!
  20. Tennyt1 - If you belong to a Gym, they normally have classes that have weight training where you work all the major muscle groups in an hour. I belong to a Gold"s Gym and the class is called "Body Pump" . I know at different gyms call it different things. But essentially they are all the same. The Instructor plays a music track for each muscle group and you do about 3 or 4 exersices per muscle group. Its a great way to get in some lifting.
  21. Hi DMV Brides!! If you like Ledo's Pizza they have a great deal on Plum District today for $5 for a $10 Ledo's Gift Card. here is the link https://www.plumdistrict.com/?ref=u6793f0f1163
  22. Coconoir1908 - I signed up for WW again back in November or December for the 3 months. But I understand about another bill and trying to keep costs down. Thats why I was so surprise that I was logging my food into Loseit more so than WW which I am paying for. I tried doing both for a couple days but it got very annoying. Plus I like to see actual calories than points. I'm also do not like the new point system that much. I just dont see how pineapples and mangoes and other fruits that are very hi in sugar are equal to ZERO Points under the new system. I like to follow the method of "caloire is a caloire" so as much as I love pineapples I know I can not sit and eat too many of them b/c of the sugar content and all the calories I would be consuming.
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