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Everything posted by monkeygrl3

  1. everything looks awesome...I love the diy tanks! they look so cuuute!
  2. I've never heard of using mr clean...that's a great idea...
  3. that is adorable...i saw these on etsy...did you send pictures? were they easy to work with?
  4. your photos came out soo awesome!! i dont think i'd do it...(hunny and the fam would freak out!) but it looks like a lot of fun!
  5. i'm in the same situation. i'm pretty sure that my family is going to give us something...but we are still in the figuring everything out stage. I am dying to know what they will give but feel kind of funny asking. we are going to set a budget ourselves and then if the fam decides to contribute it'll be like a bonus. i'd like to know what everyone else thinks too....
  6. haven't seen premade ones before...thanks for sharing...very cute!
  7. Thanks for posting it and reviewing its i will definitely have to try it out!
  8. the whole thing is great i love the note! great personal touch!
  9. the plate for the ring is such a good idea...ive never seen anything like that!
  10. they have some of the best prices on square vases that ive seen! thanks for sharing!!
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