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Everything posted by cpezuk

  1. Stephy, Did you bring a long form Birth Certificate with you or did you just photocopy your birth certificate? Also do we (in Canada) need the Apostille seal or is that just to be 100% that it is legal! Thanks Sorry to bother you we leave in 3 days and rocio has finally emailed me the reminder list and she has the long form birth certificate written down when before she told me it was just a photocoy of our birth certificate! I'm freaking out!!
  2. I was wondering if the outlets at the hotel are the same as the ones in Canada...silly question I know but I am bringing hair tools and also for my ipod charger. Thanks so much!!(:
  3. Stephy Where di d your guests go swimming with the Dolphins and how much was that? Did they book when they got to the resort or ahead of time from home? My sister and law was told it gets booked in advance and she should book ahead of time....I think it would be okay to book when we get down there... advice would be great!! Manda, I asked the same question in regards to when do the changes come into effect as well and I am still awaiting Rocio's response...I hope to hear back soon..I will keep you updated! If you hear anything first let me know! Thanks Christine(:
  4. Thanks ladies for your great and quick responses...I just have to say you guys have been so helpful through this whole process and I am so grateful!!!(: Stephy it makes me feel better that you just go married legally down there and it is working out great for you. Our only option was to get married down there legally as well I hope it doesn't have to change....Rocio responded to my question last night to and she said the government is going through some changes but they are working hard to help us foreigners be able to still get married legally down in Mexico. We aren't getting married till July 20, 2011 so hopefully nothing will change by then. We are from Canada too and I looked in to everything as well and I was told the same as you just hope it doesn't change... Erin I didn't know that it was that different in the states to get legally married down in Mexico...you think it would be easier not harder?? STephy did you do any excursions? If so what would you recommend? We are planning on maybe doing a catamaran cruise with our group and my niece really wants to go swimming with the dolphins (who are we kidding so do I..lol) Thanks so much for your help!!! If anyone else has advice that would be great to!!!(: Christine
  5. Hey Stephy, Thanks soo much for the AMAZING review!!! I am so happy that things went so beautifully and smoothly for you! You looked absolutely gorgeous!!! I have a quick question for you as well as anyone as on this forum.....did you get legally married down there or did you get married here first and then have a symbolic wedding? We're planning on getting legally married down there but a friend of mine just emailed me saying that the government is changing some of the laws down there and making it hard to get legally married! I was not aware of any of this... Thanks for the help! Christine(:
  6. Congrats Stephy!!!! I am so excited to hear all about your wedding! It feels so good that everything went so well!!!(:
  7. Hi Erin, Thank you soo much! I appreciate it! So can you not have a reception at any of the a la cartes?
  8. Hi Ladies, Does anyone know what the reception options are( restaurants, prices, menu's etc.)? I have emailed Rocio many times regarding this but have yet to hear back. Thanks so much! Christine If anyone has this info you can email it to me at [email protected] (it would be greatly appreciated!)
  9. Thanks so much for the info and the pics. I just recently changed to this resort, we were supposed to be going the Grand Sunset Princess but after the explosion we did not feel safe going there any longer so we are now getting transferred to the Grand Palladium Riviera. I had done so much research for GSP and feel now that I am starting from scratch again but this site has been so helpful to get back me on track! Thanks!!(: Christine
  10. Does anyone have pictures of the possible cakes to choose from and all photos of the restaurants. Thanks Christine
  11. Hi Ellabaja1983, I would love to see the photos it would be great if you could post them. Thanks Christine
  12. Hi Lynfar, I'm in a bit of a struggle with sunwing right now would you mind sending me the sunwing info and letter as well! Thank you! [email protected] Thank you so much. Also if anyone has gotten their deposit back for their wedding could you let me know how you went about that. Thanks Christine
  13. would love to see some pics....I am getting married at GSP in July and would love some advice and pics....I was thinking la Fondue for my reception as well...what did you choose on the menu? Thanks Christine email: [email protected]
  14. Hi Sarah, I'm getting married in Mexico in July and was interested in seeing your photos. I have heard that this photographer is very reasonable and glad to hear you had success with him. Would you email me your photo's please. Thank you! Christine(: [email protected]
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