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Posts posted by JennW818

  1. I just received the video from our wedding yesterday.  The quality isn't really all that great, but I would totally do it again anyway.  It's so nice to have b/c there are so many things I already forgot about that were on the video.  I was able to use my resort credit for it as well, so basically it was free.  If I was paying for it, I'd probably just get the ceremony and not the extra hours.

  2. Kim, I just posted my review.  I'm not sure what happened b/c I don't see it listed yet.  I spent about two hours on it.  Anyway, I'm so happy for you.  I know you will have a great week and a beautiful wedding.  Congrats in advance.  Enjoy it and I can't wait to see your pictures!


    Originally Posted by Terpgurl View Post

    OK Girls, I can't believe I am leaving tomorrow! I want to thank all the brides on here for helping me with all my questions and for the support that only another bride could give. I am super excited for my wedding on Sunday and already thinking about how the week will fly by. I am going to have my cousin take all the random pics so I can write a review to pay it forward and to help future MP brides!

    The forecast is kind of bumming me out but what can I do.  I'll try to check in during the week with updates!


  3. Our group is 29 people including us.  We are doing 3 round tables of 9 and a sweetheart table for us.  I just order my place cards tonight.  I wasn't planning on doing them at all, but I have a few people coming by themselves and wanted to make sure they were seated with people they would feel comfortable with.  I also wanted to have the wedding party sit at one table together with their dates. 

  4. We're getting married at dolphin beach at 5pm followed by a cocktail hour and reception at Grand Terrace.  Kalena is our wc and has been awesome!  So sorry to hear you are having problems with reservations.  My experience with the Miami office was not good either.  Good luck!


    Originally Posted by catherine1982neil View Post

    Wow day after crazy. Where you getting married? What have you got planned for the day?

    I contacted caroline someone and her out of office said to contact lisa lizano but shes hopless. Happy planning everyone x


  5. Hi Catherine.  We will be there at the same time.  I'm getting married on May 13th.  I hope you get all  your problems sorted with your reservations contact.

    Originally Posted by catherine1982neil View Post

    Hi Everyone,


    I'm getting married at the Moon Palace on May12th. I'm having huge problems getting anyone from the Miami office to respond. I was dealing with Pilar Fernedez but shes now gone. I am palace resort member but was wondering if anyone had any contacts at the miami office they could give me who responds to emails.


    Many thanks


  6. I have been searching for weeks now trying to find linen pants for my brother.  He's a GM in my wedding.  Everyone else has their pants, but I can't seem to find nice ones in his size.  He's a 54 waist.  I ordered pants from studio suits for my fiance and his father and they completely botched the measurements.  I provided a 40 waist and they sent me a waist measuring over 50...unfortuantely not quite 54 or I could have put them to use!  I'd rather avoid giving them another go, but haven't been able to find another option.  Any suggestions?

  7. Your pictures are nothing less than stunning.  All of the little details, your dress, flowers, table arrangements, party props, all of it...beautiful! Your wedding looked like such a great party.  Congrats!!!!


    Originally Posted by wnmrtn8 View Post

    Thank you to all the previous brides for sharing all your pictures and ideas. I love this website it helped me out through out my planning process.I want to do the same thing by sharing my pictures.  I am really happy that studio ceja photography (Salvador Ceja) captured all those details and important moments.



  8. Congrats and wow, our photos are beautiful!! I love the dresses as well.  This def puts my mind at ease about having Octavio as my photographer in May.


    Originally Posted by josietoms View Post

    Hey everyone - I used Octavio on 24th January his photography is amazing and so are his prices - he is so relaxed and puts you at ease - her is a little taster of his work.


    He met us at the airport with the photos we chose and all the photos on a CD so we can print them all at home.  Coming from London we had no choice but to use someone based in Mexico and boy what a bargain find Octavio was.


    Sorry but it wouldnt let me upload them any bigger. My husbands dad is a photographer but couldnt bring his work equipment with him and he said he was really good and the dusk photos he took as we got married at 4pm are excellent. 


    You can add me on facebook Jo 'Thomas' Stopps to look at more photos x



  9. Continue to push for your onsite coordinator's contact info or specifically request to be assigned to one you read good reviews about.  I was told the same thing, just to wait until 90 days prior.  All of my top 3 locations were booked when I finally got through to my coordinator 7 months prior to my date.  Especially if you are getting married during a busy month, I would get your request in as early as possible.


    Originally Posted by mpweddingplan View Post

    Thanks for the info.  I tried to explain to the miami wedding contact that I know exactly what I want and would like to reserve my specific locations for ceremony and private events.  She explained I could do this 3 months prior.  I persisted that I would rather not wait until that close to the date and have my preferred locations end up being unavailable.  She responded with, "you will not be assigned an onsite WC until 3 months prior, and they are the only ones capable of booking specific locations and private functions".  I have a ton of time, and am not really worried.  However, since we know exactly what we are looking for, I would rather lock in the locations now, and can move on to other planning.  If I wait until 90 days, and the locations are unavailable, I will be furious I was forced to wait to book?


  10. Thank you so much.  This is so helpful!!!

    Originally Posted by blondy View Post


    I have included both the original script and one I revised.  You can see they are very different.  I submitted it to the wedding coordinator who said she would share it with the minister, so I suppose that I don't know for sure that it will be okay'd.











  11. I'm having the same issue.  My fiance and I are not religious and would really like to change the script if possible.  Would you mind sharing yours?  I'm not exactly what it should say. Like what parts are necessary and what can be left out?  I wish they had a more secular version.


    Originally Posted by blondy View Post

    That's funny, I had asked for the script (I am doing a symbolic ceremony) and it was very religious.  We were permitted to alter it (and I changed most of it) and sent it back to the coordinator who said she would send it on to the minister.  Perhaps there is a difference between a civil vs symbolic ceremony?

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