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Everything posted by DeaChris11

  1. Do you have a picture of your bouquet? I love it! Your pictures were beautiful. I want to send a copy of that bouquet to the wedding coordinator to see if I can have one similar! If you could either post it on here or email it to me at [email protected] I would greatly appreciate it. It won't let me save a photo from your slide show. Quote: Originally Posted by Missy1 Here's my slide-show I just got: http://220411mattingly.dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/
  2. I would talk to your doctor and have your guests do the same and bring Cipro in case you get sick because this is the treatment for traveler's diarrhea...
  3. I was wondering the same thing..it will be much easier to travel with paper labels than water bottles
  4. Yeah I just don't know how much material to buy or whether to just buy a roll of fabric and cut it there...Since we are only having 12 guests I don't need very much..i guess i could buy the longer length and then trim them if needed The little details are the hardest Thanks for your advice!!
  5. What size chair sashes did you get?? I am wanting to tie my sashes like this: But i'm unsure what size/length sashes I should get Also, I am having a small wedding 15 guests including the groom and I and we are considering just doing the free wedding and having add-ons (videographer, sound system, flowers for me, and hair/make-up, having dinner at one of the restaurants and just paying the reservation fee) Has anyone done this or is anyone else thinking about this. I am getting married on July 6th and starting to get nervous because I haven't planned anything.
  6. Steve and Amy 2/04/2011 Tara & Andy 2/10/11 rscherle- 2/19/2011 Rachel & Kevin - 2/20/2011 saymyname74- 3/5/2011 L'Oreal and Michael - 3/26/11 Kerry & Gary - 4/8/2011 Melissa & Michael - 4/22/11 Dawn & Jimmy - 4/30/2011 Leah & Jamie - 5/3/11 Lisa & Andrew - 5/6/11 Ursula & Matt - 5/7/2011 Melissa & Nathanael 5/8/11 Winter & Steven - 5/10/2011 Leanne & Adam 5/14/2011 Lauren & Brian 05/25/2011 Brooke & Mike 06-18-2011 Deanna & Christopher 7/6/2011 Sharon & Josh 7/17/2011 Colleen & Clint 7/19/11 Lindsay & Frank 7/23/11 Maile & Richard 8/26/11 Ivelisse & Steve 10/28/11 I added us once but the list that is being posted was different i guess so i re-added us again . Also, those that are ordering chair sashes from wedding linens direct..what size are you getting? Thanks!
  7. I just found this thread and I am amazed at all the information. I just emailed Monica Bridal regarding a mia solano dress that I love!!! I have yet to find it for under $1000 so I thought why not . I am not wanting to spend more than $500 on a dress so under $200 would be even better. This is the dress I am interested in (i guess termed my inspiration dress). Let me know if you guys think it can be done.
  8. Also, i am wondering if anyone has had luck finding linen suits for the groom and groomsmen...I want light brown/tan linen pant and vest..not a jacket. or if anyone has found a good deal on a "summer suit" that is not linen but more lightweight than a regular suit. Less than 6 months..i think I should be planning something
  9. volosikj-1/15/2011 Beth Anne & Mathew 01/17/11 Steve and Amy 2/04/2011 Tara & Andy 2/10/11 rscherle- 2/19/2011 saymyname74- 3/5/2011 L'Oreal & Mike 3/26/11 Brooke & Rasheed 04/03/2011 Ashley & Cole 4/7/2011 Kerry & Gary - 4/8/2011 Melissa & Michael - 4/22/11 Dawn & Jimmy - 4/30/2011 Leah & Jamie - 5/3/2011 Lisa & Andrew - 5/6/11 Ursula & Matt - 5/7/2011 Melissa & Nathanael 5/8/11 Winter & Steven - 5/10/2011 Leanne & Adam 5/14/2011 Lauren & Brian 05/25/2011 BROOKE &MIKE 06/18/2011 Deanna & Christopher 7/6/2011 Colleen & Clint 7/19/11 Lindsay & Frank 7/23/11 Ivelisse & Steve 10/28/11 added my date to the list
  10. I also just got email confirmation that Magdalena Sosa is leaving. She said that the new coordinator would be in contact with me. Hopefully this all works out. I am not a huge fan of all the change/uncertainty. I am sure it will all work out though. Also, I am thinking about bringing a photographer from home, do you think this will be okay with the "no outside photographer" email from Gabby. One more thing, has anyone else done the free paradise package and just had some add ons. I am thinking with such a small group (less than 20) it would be easier/cheaper to just eat at the of the restaurants (have the guests get a table or slip the manager cash to reserve) than to pay extra for the reception. I also want the video so I may just add that one to the paradise package. We will see..I still have time with the wedding not being until July 6, 2011 but I would like to make some final decisions . Anyone else out there getting married around July 6, 2011???
  11. Congrats! I hope your wedding day is/was great!! It's so reassuring to hear from the brides that had a great experience despite all the confusion up to the trip!!
  12. I LOVE THIS!!! I will probably tie mine like this as well. I saved the pic. I am torn between the color for my bridesmaids. I really like the fushia pink with the flowers but I also like the "pool" tiffany blue from davids bridal...i need to make this decision. My finace does not like the pink (go figure). What to do what to do!!
  13. Also, I just looked on weddinglinensdirect.com and the sashes are over 100" long so I would definately say that 50" is a bit short. They have some starting at like $0.60 a piece..which is much cheaper than what it sounds like it costs to rent them from the resort. Is anyone else bringing a sound system from home instead of renting the sound system at the resort. Looking for good options. Trying to do this as cheap as possible for my small group of 15-20ppl.
  14. Thanks for your comment about the chair sashes. That seems like the smartest option . I am also curious about getting the starfish through customs. I am having an at home reception and will definately use starfish but i would love to also use them for decoration at the wedding in mexico. They are inexpensive and so cute!!
  15. Haven't posted too much on this thread. Finally got a date set and confirmed - July 6, 2011. Excited!! Total group size about 18 ppl. So small event which is what we wanted. I have been reading the threads for a while now and so many great ideas. I will probably have questions. I am going to keep it pretty low-key. Trying to save as much money as possible. We have our ceremony site as the beach and reception on the pool deck. Just curious if anyone has any information regarding gazebo size for fabric (length of fabric) to decorate as well as size of chair sashes for ceremony and reception. It appears that bringing this with me would be the cheapest way to go. I also read about bringing my own bose sound system. If i bring my own do i have to have one of my guests run the sound system? Just trying to make some early decisions . I'm sure I will have MANY more questions! You can either email me or post the responses on the thread. Also, if anyone has links to their pictures taken by the resort photographer I would love them. The photography is probably the most important thing to me but I don't want to spend the extra money on an outside photographer because I will probably hire one for my reception once we get back! Thanks again!!!!
  16. I am interested in getting married at the Dreams Riviera Cancun June 2011. Went to talk with my TA the other day and when he called the resort he was told that May, June, July were all booked which seems hard to believe with all the days/time slots. So he said he would check on it and now he says that they have had 6 WC in the past 6 months. Does anyone know if this is true. I am worried to book a wedding at a location where I get the run around. I am just curious on others experiences with this location site and WCs. THanks!
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