Hello everyone... My name is Erica and I am getting married on June 29, 2011 at Beaches Negril at 3pm... that much I know..lol I have read this entire forum and must say got alot of useful information. Now I just have some of my own questions and wondered if someone can help me out with them. 1. I realized talking to the wedding coordinator from Miami isnt going to happen anytime soon from reading your threads...lol and I do have a email into her as of three days ago so I will just wait for my reply although my travel agent did say I could go through her to get to the planner so if after a week I hear nothing I will do just that. 2. I would like to keep the cost down as this is the whole reason for a destination wedding plus I hate planning things and all the kerfluffle *haha* that goes along with all that. I like to keep things simple and stress free as best I can. So with saying that, I plan on doing the New Beginnings Wedding however I do want different flowers. I want the color pink and orange flowers SO, should I be bringing them from home or buy them there, I heard you can't take your bouquet home with you from the resort..is this true? If so what is the point of paying all that money and having to leave the flowers there? So I was thinking of getting my own made here and bringing them, plus picking up the freeze dried rose petals. 3. Also MEAGAN you did what I want to do and that is have my wedding then go to one of the all inculsive restaurants (Seville or Mill) for dinner with EVERYONE that is there for my wedding. When you did this, did you have to reserve that in advance or can you do that when you meet with your wedding planner? And also did they allow that without any problems? I dont care about them decorating it or anything like that... I just want everyone together for dinner and seeing as we are paying a arm and a leg to be there in a ALL INCLUSIVE I would like the dinner to be just that. 4. I am getting married on a Thursday so if there is a "beach party" on thursdays, will we be able to eat together as a group at that or will that require reservations as well, does anyone know this? 5. For the post reception you had MEAGAN (the free one) it states that it is free for bride and groom and two or four others (sorry I forget and dont have the paper work right here with me) is this so or is the 30min reception post wedding inclusive for everyone and do you get to do your dance (bride and groom and father/daughter ) if you so choose at this time? For this short of a time do they let you pick where you have this reception or do they just kind of set it up wherever and do I need to rent the dance floor for this or will the reception be somewhere where we can do this? I just want to know if I am going to be able to dance with my fiance and dad on my wedding day? 6. For the evening activities I am thinking we are just going to go to Liquids however how big is it? Do you keep your dress on for this or should you change? I guess you only get to wear it once right so should probably keep it on but what would be the norm? I know I have a lot of questions but I am at the part where I have to pick the things I want and start the pre planning of events etc... so I just want to have an idea. Also what is OOT bags? What does that stand for, I understand what they are for and should be put in them but are these bags for everyone who attends your wedding or only the people standing?