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Everything posted by BridetwoBe

  1. Sharan Just when you think you seen the best, it gets better! Your picutures are just too stunning!!! I have looked at them so many times
  2. How come no one ever mentions the other places such as the ballroom Sharan had her wedding? It looks beautiful!!!
  3. For excursions outside guests will not have to pay a vendor fee right?
  4. Does anyone know how the lighting in pictures are at night for beach receptions or bon fires?
  5. Things are definately coming together...I was excited to be in the double digit crew...now just trying to plan regardless of the uncertainties...and their are so so many! Now the planning really begins because time is really flying!
  6. Wow what about the sand? Did you just hang it up afterwards? Your Bonfire looks great. How was the weather? I guess thats a good plan if you can't privatize the restaurant.
  7. OMG I love the pics...I laughed when you and hubby jumped in the water...PRICELESS!!! How did your dress turn out afterwards?
  8. Me 2 but ofcourse parasols can always be just a prop
  9. Is it odd to use parasols in November? 70-80 degree weather in Jamaica.
  10. The fact that the wedding dress will have so much sand worries me as far as luggage weight
  11. Hmmm does anyone use both? Parasol and flowers...parasol for prop only?
  12. I agree...not if you have to pay for extra luggage costs for a 200 lb dress full of sand. $16!!! Whoa is it long? That is a great deal girlfriend!!!
  13. I know...It's so strange...everyone you think going ends up bailing and vice versa. You just never know, people will bail until the last minute. I realize it's best to buy things from places that have a 90 day return policy unless things are dirt cheap like ebay. I have been using ebay, amazon, and ofcourse hobby lobby, michael's and joann's fabric store. I am at 104 days...yahhhh almost to 100...are most of you getting legally married in the states? It seems like a hard decision for me...I would hate to experience a delay in receiving my certified marriage certificate. What are most you you November brides doing? I am in the decision phase...so hard because I want Jamaica to be the first time, but so uncertain right now..decisions, decisions
  14. Here is the clarification: You have to send your paperwork (passport and birth certificate) one month before the wedding so they can apply for the marriage license. So this part is done by them and we do not have to worry about the marriage license portion. It is done 1 month before we arrive. We then have to be in Jamaica 24 hours as a resident before getting married. On the wedding day the marriage officer has us to sign the wedding registry in Jamaica. We receive a copy of the registry (which serves as a receipt and proof that we are marred). Aftr that, the marriage officer gives the marriage registry to the register general (government officer) who will give our sealed certified copy of the marrage certificate (the real and legal deal), to the wedding coordinator (Nicole) to mail. I have real conflicting average times but I would say 2 months to a year based on my research honestly. Can be less and can be more time, it all depends on the register general. There is an expediated service I read that could possible speed up the proces a bit. We need the sealed certified copy of marriag certificate to change name with social security unless they aren't a dork and accept the copy of marriage registry we have. It's up to the discretion of the person is the DMV and SSA office. That is why some people are having problems with the copy of the registry they have and some arent. I believe the package info states 2 months, but it can be more or less time. I think the other factors involved besides the government being fast or slow is (marrital status, adoption, divorce, legal names, etc.). I was told if you are single, not adopted, and your last name has not been changed it may be faster for you because the government does not have to go through differnt departments like the divorce etc.
  15. So all you get is a copy of the registry? What is it good for other than proof? I am starting to hear on other forums that it is not good for anything esp with Social Security Administration. Is that correct? I know Wendy had not received hers at 8 months...thats a bit long Has the copy of the registry they give you been helpful for anything Eholt?
  16. Are you sure? I know they give a marriage register ("receipt") that you are married, but the certified copies take 4-8 months. I think what you get may be something saying you have been married, but its not "official." The delay are the certified copies which are needed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). You must have certified copies to change your name with the SSA.
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