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Everything posted by BridetwoBe

  1. Maura your pictures are so nice and you look gorgeous! I love the dress & veil.
  2. Great article. Jogging/Running definately does the trick! So does sprints. I lost weight in the past as a testimony from all the things listed in this article. I am working on jogging slowly due to the itching effect (abdomen and thighs) I get after not jogging for awhile. I itch from the vibration of high impact cardio, but it goes away after a week or so. Strange, but it does happen I just have to overcome this "itching" and I will be just fine...lol
  3. "One quarter of what you eat keeps you alive; the other three-quarters keeps your doctor alive."
  4. Right now I am about your before weight!!! I sooooo want to be 140...you look amazing!!!
  5. This is inspiring. I am glad to join the support!!! I am going for 15 lbs myself!!!
  6. I really like Nicole. When I talk to her she is very thorough. She seems very flexible as well by phone. That is good to hear that your guests enjoyed the vacation in the end. We chose Iberostar for there weddings!!! So beautiful. I feel ok with the guests staying elsewhere now I hear the contract is flexible. Where did your other 50% stay at that was nice? Everyone cannot afford Iberostar, but from what I read and hear, it is a magnificent vacation worth every penny!!! If people are taking their time to travel I want them to have a good time. I do not want to hear about traveler's diarrhea, mold, or misquito/insects. Sunspree has ok reviews via internet.Thanks for the heads up!
  7. I wanted the parents and bridal party at an Iberostar property, but have no control if they choose not to. I don't mind now that I know the 90% is not really 90%... I refuse to not give flexibility if they find a cheaper hotel and decide to stay there. I won't advertise going elsewhere,but if guests decide to stay at another resort than I will be happy if they are comfortable with spending less. Less stress on them and on us! I doubt we will have a problem with the 60% staying at Iberostar.
  8. I talked to Nicole about the guests staying elsewhere. Nicole says majority has to be at an Iberostar property. At least 60% at Iberostar and 40% elsewhere. As long as majority of your guest stay at an Iberostar property than you can have the wedding at the Iberostar without cancellation. The guest would just have to pay $100. Children under 12 will be $50.
  9. I am not sure if this is for the private reception. To me it seems as if that 90% must be at the Iberostar for the whole wedding package. The agreement said "this wedding package is only for Iberostar guests. The couple and at least 90% of their guests should stay at this property... I know the outside guests would have to pay $100, but is that fee only for the 10% not included among the 90%. What if more than 90% of your guests decide to vacay on another resort that is not an Iberostar property?
  10. The wedding agreement says 90% of your guests must stay at the Iberostar property. How does this work? What if everyone wants to stay at a cheaper resort and just come to the wedding? I know that would change our plans tremendously, but what can you do? This stinks!
  11. The guests I least thought would complain is doing so!!! Even my FI's parents. Ok booking at the beach is understandable, but they are thinking of booking at Holiday Sunspree (cheaper)... Is this good news or bad???
  12. Jaz when you redid them did you decide to staple? What do you mean the pages were sticking to the cover? What about adhesive tape vs. glue? Has anyone tried that? But you still used glue to cover the inside pages...do you mean you had to staple the in the middle to get the cover bound to the inside pages, but still had to glue the inside pages back to back? Thanks, You invites are definately inspirational and you are very helpful!!!!
  13. Ugrades are based on availibility. If a room is available an upgrade is possible, but not guaranteed. No one can guarantee an upgrade until you are actually at the resort and there is a room available.
  14. I know how you feel Island girl. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can .
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