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Everything posted by kellygrrrl

  1. I pulled the few images below from a Google Image search. I think it all depends how modern/traditional you'd like the bouquet to be. to me, it looks more traditional with the baby's breath and more modern without. figuring you could just add lilies here: I also like the hydrangeas here (assuming the one further to the right is the bride's bouquet).
  2. thanks very much. I love the organizing. ; ) and you have the ultimate freedom with weebly to design a website however you'd like, which was my fav part. congrats on finding your dress!! as far as invitations, my Save the Dates went out in March of this year, and the formal invites were mailed in early August. I was trying to give people as much notice as humanly possible (some even panicked after the STDs that they hadn't received a formal invite, thinking the wedding was this year, not 2012 ; ). honestly, I don't know that it netted us any more guests than if we'd just sent them out now. the majority of invitees aren't sure where they'll be financially by next May, so now we're just waiting. I extended the RSVP deadline from November 30, 2011 to March 1, 2012 and plan to send a reminder postcard mid-Feb 2012. although my timing was maybe too far in advance, I think it's best to give people as much notice as possible for a destination wedding so they can plan their (annual) vacations accordingly.
  3. I like Playa Weddings - they work with La Luna photographers (Rachel). not sure if they'll fit into your budget, but both are AMAZING!! http://www.playaweddings.com/
  4. based on previous reviews, the favorite entrees were: Spinach soufflé with blueberry sauce au white wine flavor (SP-3) Beef fillet tournedo with fresh wild mushrooms sauce (SP-3) Paris chocolate shell stuffed with fruit au white Cinzano flavor (SP-2) for me, I'm planning to give guests a choice between the beef fillet and the red snapper, but I'm also having the crab-stuffed avocado as the starter instead of the souffle. here are some pics in case your curious what some of the choices look like: crab-stuffed avocado beef tournedo paris chocolate shell shrimp jambalaya Quote: Originally Posted by StephandChad Hi Ladies I am getting married at the Royal January 7th We are having our reception in the ballroom with the three course meal - I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend what entree to have for dinner. I am thinking of the Duck and Salmon but I'm not sure! Please help Steph
  5. hee, I even added a countdown timer to our website. just add 7 days! http://jdandkellyswedding.weebly.com/calendar.html
  6. Advantage Bridal also has a ton, including this one, which also comes in white: http://www.advantagebridal.com/jumasw.html
  7. I bought one of these Victoria's Secret bikinis off eBay (note: New With Tags), and it is PERFECT! LOVE!! : ) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Victorias-Secret-Bling-Ring-Newlywed-Bikini-Swimsuit-S-/320758145953?pt=US_CSA_WC_Swimwear&hash=item4aaeace3a1
  8. honestly, these days, I don't think white vs ivory really means anything. it seems people just go with what looks best on them (whereas my mom's mother forbid her to wear white on her wedding day because she was already living with my dad!! ; ) it's just not like that today. you should wear whichever color you prefer! : )
  9. O. M. G. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!! I have LOOKED and LOOKED and LOOKED for cute, affordable bags and was even thinking about using those recyclable shopping bags (but the white looked even cheaper than colors). these are absolutely PERFECT. the jute is ideal for the beach, and my FI, who is a high school environmental science teacher wants them for his class, too! and the PRICE - what a DEAL!!! I can't thank you enough. : ) these are AWESOME!
  10. brendee - we're date twins! and heck yay-eah to getting under the 7 month mark. I've been waiting FOREVER!! ; )
  11. hey jenna - you have a lot of options, so I did a quick pull of some inspiration images. also check out the Sandals Island Paradise Martha Stewart wedding here http://www.sandals.com/weddingmoons/weddings/collections/wedding-themes.cfm . they do a great job with the coral palette. I LOVE the tropical colors and think they can be adjusted to match your dresses.
  12. ah, the addiction begins... ; ) seriously, this is such a GREAT resource, and all of us have stories about going to work bleary-eyed from late-night forum reading and DIY projects. you'll love it!! : ) welcome, maggie! and in case you haven't been to the royal, let me reassure you that you will LOVE the it. our wedding will be my third time back. : ) please let us know what questions you have - it's also helpful to pour a nice glass of wine and go through a few hundred pages to catch up. and I've got a FAQ document compiled from the earlier pages of this thread that may help if you want to PM me your email address. it's nice to see a lot of new brides joining the ranks. : )
  13. CON-GRATS!!! I think you're one of the few who truly made it through. no matter what happens during the last 4 weeks, you should be able to keep the weight off no problem. it took a few months of me doing nothing before it started to creep back. now that it has finally cooled off, I'm trying Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shread. SUPER easy comparatively, but it's something. if you have Time Warner, the first two workouts (of three) are on On Demand. yaaaaaayyyyy for you! it must feel amazing. : )
  14. congrats, dzaccaria! and I was exactly in your position a year ago. we were engaged August 30, 2010, and I've been on here ever since. I'm super excited to be closing in on 6 months to go. it has be a loooooooong time planning (especially now that it's turned into a small family wedding), but I've been so entertained by the fourm. it's so great for all of us. : ) congrats again, and welcome!
  15. thanks, ashley - great to see you still on here! I love when past brides stick around. I've already warned my FI that the forum doesn't stop after we're married. ; ) I looked all over the scrapbooking section. they have others, but nothing exactly the same. but I think the blue ones from etsy will be a good substitute. thanks again for writing!
  16. hey chica - I know exactly how you feel!! we had so many people excited to go to Mexico, but as soon as we started planning, my matron of honor got pregnant. for that reason (and others), we moved the wedding out a year (a YEAR!!) to give everyone as much notice as possible. despite that, people have made other plans. MOH doesn't know if she'll be able to afford it. two friends (includng the best man) have chosen to go to Europe instead. another friend's son is getting married this December, and they're worried about $$. worst of all, a close family friend was diagnosed with cancer and will likely not live until next year. if only we had gotten married last year!! but here's the thing - no matter what you do, life will go on, completely oblivious to your intricately laced plans. I can't say I don't still get disappointed sometimes, but I know that I did everything possible to ensure that our guests would have the best chance to come (and they STILL can't make it!!). it's not your fault (or your FI's) that the wedding is when it's planned. and honestly, as you start to realize how much of the wedding is for just the two of you and your close family, I think it becomes more authentic because your focus shifts from the guests to what you truly want. I think you'll have the best experience of an intimate family wedding and then you can still choose to do something (even low-key) back at home to include those who are expecting. there's a GREAT forum on here that I often read for inspiration, and I hope it helps you, too: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/68207/did-anyone-have-a-really-small-wedding-but-without-intending-to-and-how-did-you-feel-about-it/80#post_1657437 keep you chin up, ok? the wedding may not be exactly what you envisioned, but it will work out perfectly in the end. : ) please PM me if you'd like to chat more. I've been there and know what you're going through.
  17. no, although I think the idea is super-cute. I'm wearing the same shoes in ivory. I tried them in fuschia (GREAT color, btw), but it contrasted too much with my dress, which is a simple beach-y style. I just love the brides who are going for it. the different colored shoes look amazing in pics. : )
  18. either dr scholl's or these insolia inserts - has anyone tried them? http://insolia.com/ jwed, I'd only be concerned about the skinny heel support. I don't wear heels too often, so I'd be afraid I'd fall. completely different story if you're used to them, though. to me, something with a thicker heel (like the below from david's bridal) would be a bit sturdier.
  19. thanks so much, ladies. when I started looking around today, I decided these were cuter and bought them in blue! : ) they were 20% off as well, so I paid $15 total. Quote: Originally Posted by Cdunn514 I found these on etsy they are not exactly the same but have the ring for the O, they are from seller yourhappilyeverafter
  20. hey ladies, I posted this question waaaaaay back in Feb but wanted to ask again. I'm looking for these specific 'I DO' stickers for shoes with a diamond ring as the 'O' in 'DO'. in Feb, several girls suggested they came from Michaels, but I've looked and looked at multiple Michaels and cannot find them. has anyone seen these? they're different than the ones on Etsy, though many of theirs are a close second. just wanted to try again to see if anyone knew where to find them. thank you so much.
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