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Everything posted by MCRtoBE

  1. Thats Great to Hear!! Goog for you! I am gettign so excited, i am looking forward to meeting you! I have put a picture of daniel and i up, however, it will not show...so click in the photo box and it will take you to my profile and the pictures work there...strange! I just cant wait! Talk to you soon! Michelle
  2. hey Nadia, I have tried twice to post the list she gave me...but it will not post?...we ended up having to have our travel agent call her and tell her to send it to us...she called friday morning and we had it by the afternoon! nothing to do ion the list...it just confirms what you have picked so far and when you will be meeting with her. Good luck on the final exam...we will be meeting very soon here! YAY! Michelle
  3. Hey miss!, yes she did...we had to have out travel agent contact her. It may not help you as it is specific to our wedding but here it is....I am sure after seeing this it will all be good! Glad to hear you are almost free from exams, it will feel so great! Wedding Check list November 11Th, 2010 @ 4:00pm Michelle & Daniel Couple arrival date: November 7th, 2010 HotelOceanCoral and Turquesa Wedding date: November 11th-2010 Time: 16:00pm Type of ceremony; Symbolic ceremony (Non Legal wedding performance by a minister) Wedding package: Shooting star Group of 67 people include bride and groom September 8th..Meeting with Ana Bautista & Arianna Iturralde to review all the arrangement at the coral lobby @ 10AM The payment for the wedding and extras will be paying after the meeting with the wedding coordinator You can pay by credit card, visa / master card, travel cheque or cash November 11th-2010—WEDDING DATE!!!!!! Ceremony: lobby terrace Time: 16:00hrs Set up: chairs with white covers and gazebo with white tule.. Please advice your guests that they need to be at the lobby 15 minutes before the ceremony start and so the groom. The bride will wait in the room to be picked by the wedding coordinator Flowers: -Bride bouquet, groom boutonniere, bridesmaid bouquet , 1 extra boutonniere include in the wedding package. -2 flowers arrangements to decor the gazebo + 1 flowers arrangement Flowers can be confirm upon arrival Sound system will be set up on the beach for the ceremony (CD player, Speaker and microphone) you can bring your own music, either CD or Ipod. 1 song for bridesmaid+ groom men 1 song for the bride 1 song end of ceremony The ceremony will last 20 minutes approximately A glass of sparkling wine will be served after the ceremony for the toast.. Wedding cake flavour: could be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or coconut Cocktail will follow right after the ceremony Menu: Caribbean Dinner reception Place: Lobby terrace Time: TBA Menu: # 2 Set up. White lines for the tables chairs.. Open bar for 3 hours The layout of the tables for dinner: Head table dj cake Space for dancing bar Guest book Please send a list of song that you want to play the DJ. After dinner you can go at the lobby bar aqua lounge that is open until 2am or at the sport bar. The following morning what time do you want you champagne breakfast in Bed? You do have include your hair style and make up.. what time do you want me to book? at 1pm? If anyone needs any appointment let me know.. Do you want the red bows for the chair decoration? **we will review all this details in our meeting. ** Please advice if there is anything wrong or missing let me know! Hope you have a great day!! Yay, it is almost here Michelle
  4. Hey Miss!!! Yes i have recieved the list...I had my travel agent contact her:/ here it is however, it is just made to fit our wedding Wedding Check list November 11Th, 2010 @ 3:00pm Michelle & Daniel Couple arrival date: November 7th, 2010 Hotel Ocean Coral and Turquesa Wedding date: November 11th-2010 Time: 15:00pm Type of ceremony; Symbolic ceremony (Non Legal wedding performance by a minister) Wedding package: Shooting star Group of 67 people include bride and groom September 8th..Meeting with Ana Bautista & Arianna Iturralde to review all the arrangement at the coral lobby @ 10AM The payment for the wedding and extras will be paying after the meeting with the wedding coordinator You can pay by credit card, visa / master card, travel cheque or cash November 11th-2010—WEDDING DATE!!!!!! Ceremony: lobby terrace Time: 15:00hrs Set up: chairs with white covers and gazebo with white tule.. Please advice your guests that they need to be at the lobby 15 minutes before the ceremony start and so the groom. The bride will wait in the room to be picked by the wedding coordinator Flowers: -Bride bouquet, groom boutonniere, bridesmaid bouquet , 1 extra boutonniere include in the wedding package. -2 flowers arrangements to decor the gazebo + 1 flowers arrangement Flowers can be confirm upon arrival Sound system will be set up on the beach for the ceremony (CD player, Speaker and microphone) you can bring your own music, either CD or Ipod. 1 song for bridesmaid+ groom men 1 song for the bride 1 song end of ceremony The ceremony will last 20 minutes approximately A glass of sparkling wine will be served after the ceremony for the toast.. Wedding cake flavour: could be chocolate, vanilla, strawberry or coconut Cocktail will follow right after the ceremony Menu: Caribbean Dinner reception Place: Lobby terrace Time: TBA Menu: # 2 Set up. White lines for the tables chairs.. Open bar for 3 hours The layout of the tables for dinner:...the picture did not turn out! Head table dj cake Space for dancing bar Guest book Please send a list of song that you want to play the DJ. After dinner you can go at the lobby bar aqua lounge that is open until 2am or at the sport bar. The following morning what time do you want you champagne breakfast in Bed? You do have include your hair style and make up.. what time do you want me to book? at 1pm? If anyone needs any appointment let me know.. Do you want the red bows for the chair decoration? **we will review all this details in our meeting. ** Please advice if there is anything wrong or missing let me k She did say sorry it took so long, so that was nice. I am suprised you have not got one too! Keep in mind this fits the package we choose. hope this helps miss...trust me you have everything covered! good to hear you are almost done! So close........Woot Woot:D Michelle
  5. Hey Jessica, we are getting married the day before we go. To answer your question...this is ana's response... If you have the non legal wedding, the wedding package will cost the same because we have to pay the external minister, unless you bring your own minister I will give you 200 usd if you bring your own. so we are bringing our own...who happens to be Daniels Aunt...now we will get $200.00 back! I am so excited...i cant believe it is almost here! November 11! Hope that helps you! Good luck with your planning! Michelle
  6. Nadia! Well good for you! you are almost done...soing school and work and two little ones will add much stress! Glad it is almost over for you! I can not believe how close it is now!!! So still no list from Ana, I am suprised she has not emailed it to you either! Not Cool! We to have a tone of stuff to bring for the welcome bags...what types of things are you putting in yours...mine seem really small but i had so many to buy that i had to watch mu budget...We put in hand sanitizer, sun block, bubbles, band aids, card games little key chains, regular lotion, lip chap....hhmmmm...i can not remember if there is anything else. I am pretty much finished the planning stuff..just finishing the table numbers and seating plan and i should be just about done! Hope everything else continues to go well and when she send that information to me i will send it your way!! YAY!!! looking forwar to meeting you as well! FUN TIMES TO COME Michelle
  7. Hey Jennifer, Those all sound like great ideas, thanks a bunch! Hey one of my best friend/brides maid, her boyfriend and a few of Daniels family are flying from Vancouver that day too! Yay how exciting!!! I can not wait...still have not heard from Ana....oh well what can you do! Hope you are having a good day, looking forward to meeting you! WOOT WOOT! Michelle
  8. Hey Jennifer, So I am finally feeling pretty good, think I have got most of what i think i need together now...however, Ana our wedding panner has yet to email us our final check list as she said she would a week ago...i would have to say she has almost been the most stressful part of the whole thing... So is your husband excited for the trip! I can hardly wait!!! I am more then sure we will run into you there...it is not that big of a resort:)! YAY!!! Sorry remind me...are you flying out of torono? Any last minute suggestions on things we sould bring there? Thanks for being so up beat! Makes me that much more excited! Michelle
  9. Hey Nadia! My goodness, I see why you are stressed! So since it is not the same Maggie...that means there will be 3 weddind there that week for sure. We are having a big wedding we are now ar 65 people total and it awesome but scary at the same time. To be honest, not sure if i have everything ready, or what i really need to get ready. I feel af the days get closer i am for sure getting more worried about waht i have forgotten to do, however, excited because i am sure it will all turn out anyway, and a little hard due to me doing most of the planning, I towork full time, however, i have no little ones. We meet with the marriage commissioner today as Daniel does not want to do the blood tests and junk in Mexico. We will be acyually married on Novemeber 6 the day before we fly out! So we are also planing that ltiile wedding here and the dinner. Where are you staying on the second week? We are staying at the Elderodo Royal. I am not sure the Count down...I know that sounds still, but it makes me more worried about everything i need to get done. Haha so funny, my colours are ivory, red and a bit of chocolate brown. No we are taking no decorations with us. I am sure it will be perfect with out that. We are bring a little someting for welcome bags, however, that is about it. We were thinging abouth doing a candy bar...but not sure yet...that just make for more work and planning, and packing. I believe we are having the menu two...beef wellington. you? Well we were planning to have it on the terasse, however, I want to make sure because it is outside we will not be charge the $27 per person charge for a out door reception, so since Ana still take a lifetime to reply to your emails, we are not sure what we will be doing. I know i sound a little grumpy about that and it is because I am. My dress is strapless and more of a full bottom without the stuff making it big...I am not sure if i am in love with my dress anymore and it it way too late now to do anything about it. I am trying to look at it and tell myself i like it! I guess you will see it when i see you there, What does yours look like? it is pretty exciting!!!Yay! I too am excited to meet you both. Hope all your planning goes well! Michelle
  10. That may be her married last name...i know her brothers last name is Lowen, she still lives in GP. She has two little boys? Â
  11. Hi Jennifer! That is so cool! where are you flying out from, my guests from B.C are flying out on the 8th as well. I would love to see the pictures, and congratulations on your wedding! Yes, we are staying a week at the ocean then a week at the Elderodo, so i am pretty excited, the only thing is it will be pretty quite there one all are guest leave. I am a pretty easy going person, and i am sure you would be welcome to join in on our dance after dinner! the more the better! Â Thanks so much! Â Michelle
  12. The days will fly by...ever since i strated counting at 100 days i actually can not remember what happend to the last 50 now....Scary! We have 62 Adults confirmed and a few more we are expecting last minute...and one child. They are coming along good so far....get a little worried i have not asked enough questions, however, i am sure it will all turn out regardless. On your birthday! That will be a wonderful party for two reasons!!! How are the plans coming for you?? Â
  13. How exciting! We arrive there on the 7th. So this will be a little confusing however, maybe this is you?... So My best friend/bridesmaid's boyfriend Dave is from Grand Praire...His sister Maggie said her best friend from Grand Praire is getting married there the same week we are....Is that you?? I think we have 62 adults coming and 1 child. This is really cool! i am really excited now. Â My colours are ivory...red and gold! Â I can not believe how fast it is coming up! Â Michelle Â
  14. Â Hey I am getting married there on Nov 11, 2010. I am from Edmonton, Alberta. From what my travel agent has told me there is another wedding group going there at that time as well...How many people are you expecting at you wedding? Â
  15. I am getting married there then....Nov 11, 2010. Coming soon and I am getting very excited/nervous. When are you?
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