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Everything posted by dwenski16

  1. What sold you on picking this resort. I am planning a June 2013 wedding and having so much trouble picking a place to fit all my needs. Also who is your WC and did you speak to them while you were there? Do you have any pdf doc's about different wedding options? Thanks I hope you had a great time! Email me at [email protected] if you want.
  2. Thank you so much for the photo's they are just what I needed to see! What wedding package did you go with? I was thinking about a semi-private dinner at the Thai place then just head to one of the bars for drinks. What would you have spent the most money one looking back and did you use their photographer? If you already posted a review I will search for it or send it along to me! Thanks so much for your time!!!!
  3. I hope you all find this as helpful as I did! Survival guide!! Copy and Paste I hope it works! https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B5kpH0of919ONDllYjcxMGUtY2Y2Ni00YmIxLWExNjQtMDgyY2M0NGY3MGQx&hl=en&pli=1
  4. I would sell the sky laterns, I was just reading about a bride who also took them just in case and that was the only thing the said NO about. Save room for something else that you can take~
  5. I just want to thank everyone for all the great information regarding our wedding planning. I feel really supported here by ppl who may know the answer or how to get them to all my questions/concerns. The website is the answer to my prayers! I will be checking out all the great responses and your opinions have a great deal of weight in my decision making. Thanks again~!
  6. Hi, just got engaged, not really sure about our wedding date, but looking more like Nov, 2011. I'm completely torn as to where to start, I was thinking about choosing my top three resorts and destinations, ie Jamaica, Bahamas, and Mexico. A friend of mine got married at the Dreams in Puerto Vallarta, and she loved it, but I'm not compeletly sold on the Dreams Resorts. I have a guest list around 20-25 and only one child who is 14. Im not sure rather I should look at booking an adult resort and have others stay at sister resorts ot have everyone at a kid friendly resort? Plus food, pictures, package's how does all that work and are the resort photographers, good ones? Should I contact WC's in advance not knowing if I'm going to be booking there, I guess I just have a million questions. Thanks Can anyone help?
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