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Posts posted by jana297

  1.  I picked mine out when I got down there. she has a very large book and to be honest I was a little stressed about that vut clearly did not have to be at all. I am not a last minute girl at all. Claudia was unreal. She really pays attention to every detail for you and you will have nothing to worry about. I can't wait to show u ladies my cake too. It was beyond my dreams gorgeous and delicious. The veil was not really an issue. It was windy but it looked so gorgeous flowing in the wind and if I could do it again I would wear the veil. I feel like it really adds a lot to the look! :) I say go for it.  Congrats and I can't wait to see your pics. You will have an amazing wedding!!

    Originally Posted by michellegirl View Post

    Wow, Jana! You look beautiful and so happy!  And, I gotta agree about the flowers - A-MA-ZING!!! ;)  Can't wait to hear about the rest of your Big Day!  I see you wore a veil...did you have any problems with it? I want to wear a veil, too, and see that many don't because it's so windy...


    Also, did you girls have to wait until you got to Dreams to pick out your flowers? I was hoping to see my options before I got there so I had a little time to decide. We're getting married May 11 and I haven't seen anything yet.


    I gotta say, I love all you Dream(s) Girls!  ;)





  2. OMG! I am sneaking in a few seconds here on my honeymoon to tell you all what an AMAZING job Dreams did with my wedding. Keep in mind I was a wedding planner for a few years and planned weddings that were 100k and above. My wediing was hands down the best. I am not partial at all really lol! They will do a fantastic job. JUan Navarro is the best photographer I have ever seen! MY bouquet was unreal!!! I am so amazed. I have only seen one photo so far that Juan posted on facebook:539917_323047397750710_157436070978511_7


    I will check in when we get back!

  3. Oh boy hope he found his license!

    Originally Posted by acireta View Post

    Adorable! I'm sure noone will notice.

    EXPLAIN THIS TO ME PLEASE!!! We are leaving to drive to Florida in 30 minutes and my FI can't find his driver's license. We have his passport so going on the trip isn't a problem. Please pray for me that this is the worst thing that happens and that I don't KILL him in the next few minutes!!


  4. When do u leave?


    Originally Posted by Maritza919 View Post

    sad.gif Jana. I had mine printed I couldn't do the menu or wedding programs. Got to love etsy! I'm finishing packing today and tomorrow I pick up my dress!! So excited! It's going so quickly. Can't wait to be in the beach :)



    I am so frustrated doing last minute projects. Last night to late at night I decided to do up some menu cards for the table. I did all 26 of them and then after realized that I spelled potato and salad wrong. I am not redoing them no way. I just hope people are buzzed enough from drinking all day that they do not notice. Check out the attached picture of them.


    photo (2).JPG

  6. I wish I knew about those I would have done that for my bridesmaids. Oh well we are leaving in 6 days.


    Originally Posted by finleya View Post

    Thanks! I think it is the one thing I am going to splurge for, but only for my wedding party. Lands End has some REALLY nice ones (they are huge!) and they personalize them, but they are $30/piece. I normally wouldn't get them, but I have one and I absolutely love it!


  7. Call them. It is not fair they have not confirmed when they have your money

    Originally Posted by janine837 View Post

    How quickly did you get a confirmation of your deposit after you gave them your credit card info? They've had mine for almost 2 months and haven't confirmed I've secured my date! Claudia said that accounting processes the payment, and my wedding is >1 year away so I'm sure it's not "priority" but I still would like to know I have the date secured!


  8. I am leaving on Tuesday April 3rd. One week from today. I am so excited. Yikes you leave in 2 days. When will you be back from your wedding?


    Originally Posted by acireta View Post

    Tomorrow is my last day of work and we leave on Thursday!! So excited!! All I have to do is some last minute errands to Target and Kohls and finish packing thewave.gif



    When are you heading out?


  9. Thanks I will be hopeful for the bothof us! Don't you leave tomorrow or at least any day now?


    Originally Posted by acireta View Post

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us! St. Thomas is looking a little iffy this weekend and next week also...


    Hey, if it rains, maybe you'll get one of those amazing 'in the rain' shots I've seen! Plus, rain on a wedding day is good luck! Sending you good thoughts!



  10. How exciting. We are leaving in a week tomorrow and still have a significant anount on our list. I am getting really nervous because I have an all weekend bacherlorette party and we only have week nights to get our stuff done. Yikes. I'm a little stressed.


    Originally Posted by capecodder View Post

    I had my final dress fitting on the weekend.  My dress fits perfectly!!  In less than 3 weeks we'll be in Punta Cana!!  FI and I made our final to-do list last night and not much left to do at all.  I even had FI start packing! 


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