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Everything posted by jana297

  1. Does anyone think I will have a difficult time bringing in 25 starfish to Mexico? I am using them for table settings with a name tag attached to them. I really hope I will not have an issue. Any help or suggestions would be great!
  2. I am going to have around 25 starfish with me for my place settings. Will I have an issue going through customs. When we went for our site visit last year they did not even search my bags but it would figure if they did.
  3. The best way to get communication is call down there. I always get her on the phone. I would definately do that!
  4. I have a gorgeous Davids Bridal Wedding dress. That is gorgeous but no longer fits me. It has a mocha sash ribbon that ties in the back. It is very champagne in color.
  5. We are paying all of it ourselves too! It feels really good to be able to save and plan and do it!
  6. I emailed them too and got my appointments made. I am excited! I have been making good progress on getting my list of to do's done. I finished laminating my luggage tags, finished the hangover kits, to much sun kits and got my fake orchids for my centerpieces. It feels good to get so much done. When I get all of my projects finished over the next few weeks I will share all of my pictures with you guys. It is amazing at how much help I have received from this site. You all have been such an inspiration and so much help!!
  7. Found some great looking orchids. They are rubber too so they really look real in person!!
  8. One more thing checked off my list! Yeah finished laminating the luggage tags last night! I am hoping to get the orchids ordered on lunch!!
  9. What a great attitude you have even about rain. I am very happy and you are right everything will be perfect!! I can't believe how close you are.
  10. Awesome thanks for the help!! Those orchids look beautiful!!!
  11. Wow you have done a lot ..not to long of a list. Great job. Here is my to do list: Print labels for the to much fun in sun kits Buy & Glue Gun pins to the back of my starfish (Pinning in the middle of the chairbow) Laminate my luggage tags Find & buy 4 fake Cymbidium Orchids Find Floating Candles for centerpieces Finish music and burn cd's Write up our ceremony script Put all the stuff for out of town bags together in the bag Shop for another piece of luggage to fit all the extras and decorations in Seating Chart for guests
  12. Passport Holders. It is the perfect gigt from Etsy a Gracie Design product. I am in love with them...and I know my bridesmaids will too!!
  13. I just discovered a fabulous bridesmaids gift thanks to another bride on here. I think it is great idea. I am doing these with a bunch of other great gifts to put in a beautiful bag that I ordered from Hawaii, thanks to another great bride on here. This site is amazing!!
  14. Just got my custom order for my bridesmaids passport holders. That is one of the many surprises I have for them!! Here is a picture of the inside and outside of them. I got them from Gracie Designs on Etsy. I LOVE them!!
  15. I am so excited for you! I can't wait to hear all the details. How are your out of town bags coming? Did you decide to do them when you get there? If you wanted to keep it simple you get order these and get them in on time. I think they are great. They are $10 a piece...I think it is a great steal!! http://www.navyandlavender.com/product/tote_rescue_me_kit/
  16. Thanks for all of this information and the fabulous pics!!! Your wedding was amazing and all of you are making me feel much better. You were a gorgeous bride!!!
  17. Thanks for the advice about the Himitsu beach. When we arrive we will have to check it out. Ok Dreams Brides...who is next for their wedding. Mine is not till April 6th. Do we ahve any brides here going before then?
  18. The other thing that is a bummer is that people that spend the money and travel just to be stuck in a ballroom. With no ocean view. I was told the beach weddings are to windy. Anyone here have there wedding on the beach that can tell me how it worked with us.
  19. Thanks for your words of encouragement. My travel agent is contacting Claudia's boss today. It is not her fault and told me it has been a nightmare for her. I feel bad but u can't have a contract and back out when there is no disclosure written that wedding places are subject to change. I also have a friend that is a lawyer that reviewed it. I know it sounds crazy but that terrace location is one of the big rea:(sons we picked the resort.
  20. I am so upset that the reason that I cant have the club terrace is because all of my guests have booked Ocean Front Deluxe rooms and are not in the towers. Apparently you need to have 70% of your guests in the club tower rooms. This is really unfair and I have a signed contract with the location of Club Terrace written in. There is no disclosure of anything subject to change etc etc etc. Not ok at all. I spoke to my friend that is a contractual attorney and she said if their are no disclosures in your signed contract then they can not do this. She will be contacting them tomorrow. I am sooo upset. There is no other location I want and my wedding is 10 weeks out from Friday! They have not even updated their website that this is not an option.
  21. I was hoping to start a thread dedicated to this wedding month and Dreams so we could start sharing ideas, check lists etc etc...
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