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Everything posted by june11bride

  1. I would LOVE to see the pictures since I am getting married at Barcelo Maya Palace as well, but the page won't load for me. Is there any other way for me to see them? Â Also, thank you for sharing about your ceremony time...mine is at 2pm and everyone else's seems to be later so I was questioning it, but I am confident now that it will be a good time.
  2. I am wondering how many of you are doing a legal and how many are doing a symbolic ceremony? It really means a lot to us to have the legal ceremony, but I've seen so many people opting to have the symbolic. Does anyone have any experience with the legal wedding at Barcelo? Thanks!
  3. We're getting married at Barcelo Riveira Maya June 11, 2011!! We have booked our trip and our date and are just working with our WC on picking out the details! We are so excited!
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