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Everything posted by june11bride

  1. I basically did not give a choice...but then again, my resort is in the Riviera Maya which is very spread out and the hotels are sort of far apart...luckily I picked a resort that has 5 resorts on its property and they are all linked so the guests have a choice of price range but all within that one resort. In August my friend got married in the Riviera Maya and I was unable to stay at her resort because honestly it was WAAY too expensive (we found a resort that is affordable for our wedding). My FI and I stayed in Cancun at a regular hotel and paid for a one night stay (the night of the wedding) at her resort because it was about the same price as a day pass. It all worked out fine but we felt a little disconnected from the rest of the people there.
  2. Wow congrats!! Your story is amazing, it made me smile!!
  3. Congrats!! We are getting married in Mexico but honeymooning at the Excellence in Punta Cana in June!! Enjoy!!
  4. I have just under 6 months until my wedding and am definitely feeling the pressure!! I kept telling myself that I could finish my semester and then get through Christmas and I'll be back on track, so I really think this has to be it!! No more excuses!! I can't leave it to the last minute because I am finishing my up my degree and practicum (for teaching!) a few months before the wedding so I know I have to get in a routine before then, or I will be too stressed out!! We can do it though!
  5. greysgirl I was just wondering the same thing...I was thinking about getting something flowy like that for TTD and wondered if it would be see through in the water
  6. I definitely want something bright like the ones above to go with my blue/turquoise theme. Love all the pics!
  7. If the sand is really full it probably wouldn't move around, would it? I also worry about doing this because we are heading off to the DR after our Mexican wedding so it would go through that much more movement. I guess it's another thing I'll have to pawn off on my sister or FMIL to bring back.....
  8. Wow I'm very sorry to hear about this!! Did you not have a contract? We are bringing a photographer with us and have already met her so we had a chance to sign something with her. I guess this is more difficult with a photograph at your dw location! I hope everything works out!
  9. I reaaaaaally like the look of the more subtle flowers like white orchids but I am pretty sure I have decided on bright tropical flowers (which I will probably have to upgrade to). I have a cobalt blue and turquoise color scheme and I think a bright orange would look very good.
  10. That's really good advice to go in a store to try styles on before buying online. When I went dress shopping I had an idea in my mind about what I like and don't like based on what I have seen online, and I ended up not liking the styles I liked on models on me! I ended up with a style I didn't think I'd like.
  11. Wow I really like your monogram and how everything is so personalized!! Nice job!!
  12. I agree, a map would be great. Obviously an itinerary of the wedding, and definitely some suggested things to do/sights to see while there (I have never been so would have no idea where to start!). Other than that, just cool little things that might be useful in any destination wedding that you'd find on this site, like hangover kits. Have fun!
  13. Wow that's pretty scary if it's true! I tend to use Ibuprofen as a pain killer anyway, but sometimes have used Tylenol! I haven't been able to find a good deal on pain killers for my OOT bags yet, so I havent purchased Tylenol, and won't now!
  14. Wow I'm so sorry about your ring! I have no idea what I would do if that happened to me! I really like those rings, they are soo unique!
  15. I'm lucky because we decided for various reasons to bring a photographer from Canada with us and they offered to give us their best package for just the cost of their trip (and there are two of them!). This includes both of them being with us from getting ready until very late!! I can't imagine missing out on certain parts of the day, so this works really well for us.
  16. Congrats! This is definitely the place to be when planning a DW!!!
  17. Personally I wish I had set up some sort of tentative RSVP with my save the dates because I sent them out about 4 months ago (so 10 months before my wedding) and I haven't spoke to anyone I sent them to and therefore have no idea who is coming (most of my family is from the US, Im in Canada). Even if you don't have them send back RSVPs and maybe have them email you or something, it will help you out a lot. I'm busy ordering OOT bag stuff with no idea who is thinking of coming! You could also word it to say that this is by no means a contract stating they wil 100% come becuase it is far away, but maybe just to get an idea of the count, and you can then weed out the people who will for whatever reason definitely not be coming!! I am sending my actual invites out in January, RSVP by March, and wedding in June.
  18. So I was out Christmas shopping today at Walmart, and what do I find?? Badge holders on sale for 10 for 75 cents!! Of course, I already ordered and received my badge holders, so I was a little mad when I saw these, but I thought I'd share. They also have a pack of 10 lanyards for cheap too! I also picked up some retractable pieces so people can clip them to their belt and pull it out. You can find them in the office supplies isle. Even if they weren't on clearance for 75 cents it is still cheaper than ordering them!
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