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Everything posted by NikkiT1021

  1. We had found maraca favors at a different resort in Mexico (Puerto Vallarta) and our plan was to ship them to Valentin. After discussing this with Ana, she told us that they can only keep anything that is shipped for 1 week before the wedding. Therefore, we are now having them shipped from Mexico to NJ and then lugging them back to Mexico! UGH! I just don't want to risk the shipment not getting in on time or getting there too early!! Also, as far as dessert, we were thinking the coconut cake? Kind of fits with the warm tropical theme.
  2. The flower situation is crazy! I sent Ana (my WC) pictures of different bouquets with orchids that I like and she sent me some that she has done in the past. I purchased the most expensive package (don't know the same off hand) which is supposed to include my bouquet, my FI's boutinerre and 1 extra boutinerre. Being that I want orchids, I now need to pay for all of my flowers even the ones that were supposed to be included in my package. I feel like they make up some of the rules as they go along. Oh yeah, and I still have no idea what my flowers are going to look like! I asked her twice what picture she is going by and have yet to receive an answer about it. They have no problem answering $ questions though! Also, we are doing our own centerpieces. I'm not at my home computer so I don't have the picture but I will post it tomorrow. Our total cost per centerpiece is aprox $20 saving us about $250. Although difficult at times, I'm trying not to get too stressed out over the communication and extra cost factor. I just keep telling myself that the wedding is going to be beautiful no matter what!
  3. This is our "rough draft". My future SIL had the vases left over from her wedding. The flowers and blue marbles are from AC Moore. Candles from 1-800 candles and the overlay from efavormart (it will be ironed for the wedding Instead of having table numbers, each table will have a different shell. We bough cheap frames from AC moore and will have a picture of the shell on the table. The shells shown on the table will also be glued to the placecards. Total cost per table aprox $25
  4. I would love to do this but don't know if I'll be ready. Can you PM me the info?
  5. And its Girl Scout cookie time so it makes things even worse!
  6. LOL! We ordered my FI's linen outfit from islandimporters.com. They came in recently and are really nice...not too dressy and very lightweight without looking cheap.
  7. So I re- looked into this and I was mistaken... It's 6lbs in 2 weeks which is MUCH more reasonable!! (I have no idea how the heck I came up with 15lbs- maybe I had that number set in my head.) It makes more sense now
  8. I'm starting the "Special K Challenge" on Wednesday. The program claims to have you lose 15 lbs in 2 weeks but I am not expecting those results. I'm hoping to lose 5 and get in a better eating routine. We'll see how it goes! Has anyone else tried this??
  9. Ana got back to me and they only do white linens. I like the table runner idea. I was also thinking of possibly getting overlays for the tables. Efavormart.com has really cheap extras (linens, sashes etc).
  10. I'm traditional about this one. Also, our resort provides the groom with a room the night before so it works out great!
  11. Our RSVP is 2 months our date. If I had seen this thread before the invitations went to print, i may have changed it. However, we did send out our save the date's 1 year prior to our date and I have no problem calling people to see if they're coming. Also, I like Dellnia's idea of automatically counting people out if they don't respond on or by the date, You're SO right, its not worth getting stressed over!
  12. We posted the price on our website. My FI did this without me knowing and at first I was alittle mad because I thought it was tacky....but then I thought about the pros. It gives everyone a good idea of what they're in for financially and what they need to save. Also, at first the thought of not having everyone there that I want there upset me, however, those that are going to be there will have the time of their lives. I'm also a strong believer that everyone that really wants to be there will make it happen.
  13. I wouldn't feel bad for not having a reception. Its YOUR wedding. The fact that they're leaving Thursday puts a damper on the plans to go on the excursion Thursday. Did they book their airfare already?
  14. I agree 100%!! And plus, the people that really want to be there will be there no matter what
  15. I don't think it's tacky but personally would move it to another day. Some of your guests might think its tacky however that you are asking them to basically pay to go to your wedding when they're already paying for the trip. If it were me, I'd move it to the day after, that way its like having a celebration of your wedding, not a recepton.
  16. Thanks for the info! I'm going to check it out!
  17. If the group is small, I don't think it's necesary. I'll be having program fans at my wedding because 1.) I think the fan is a cute idea and 2.) my family doesn't know my friends very well and I don't want to have to explain 30 times who is who
  18. reading a book eliptical or treadmill?
  19. Oh wow they're 2 completely different dresses! The first one is very classic and girly whereas the second one is a little more fun and dramatic. Personally, I think the 2nd one is more flattering on you- it shows your body frame better!
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