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Everything posted by dmkn77

  1. I really wanted to do something like this too, but they really are more expensive. Not to mention bulky to get down there!
  2. I just recieved a bunch of stuff I ordered and a bunch of free stuff too. Everything looks great so far! I am definalty ordering more stuff once I organize a few more items!
  3. We're doing a cruise for our wedding because everyone else seems to be doing destination weddings now. We wanted to be different! I believe cruising is cheaper then an all inclusive, but the flights we need to take to get to the port makes it priceier for us. But still, all the places we and our guest will be able to see will make it sooo worth it! Good luck with planning your wedding! Try www.cruisecritic.com theres tonnes of good info and a cruise wedding section!
  4. I love those wallets! Wish I saw this post earlier! Also I like the button Inital idea... I may try to figure out a way to do something like that too!
  5. I have the self laminating luggage tags too. I got them from a dollar store and have business cards coming from vistaprint to put inside. I dont know what I'm doing with the "info" side yet though!
  6. Thats a good question, who did you ship through? UPS is horrible for high brokerage fees but USPS (via Canada post) I've never paid any duties or brokerage fees.
  7. I love the new mugs! Thats my colour too! Still to pricey for me but I'm so happy that it all worked out for you. Your guests will love those!
  8. We're going on the Carnival Glory Feb 13-20 2011. Getting married on Limetree Beach in St. Thomas with Perfect Weddings of St. Thomas! Less then 4 months away!
  9. Thats a lot of great info! I hope I can find more threads like this one. Thanks VERY much!!
  10. True Blood is one of my Favorite shows, but it IS starting to get too quirky. Too many supernaturals lately!
  11. We've been watching this show too. It's really good. HBO had a 30 min documentary about the "real" Nucky Thompson so now I understand a little more whats going on. See if you can find it Its called "Atlantic City/ Original Sin City".
  12. I love that icanhascheezburger site! Thanks for reminding me to go waste a few hours checking out the new ones! Also gotta check out the cuteoverload, haven't seen that one yet!
  13. I'm robbing the cradle with a man 6 years my junior! My excuse is that he was the sort of guy who was more mature and "responsible" when I met him, I was 28 and he was 22. Most other 22 year olds were running around being stupid and "sowing their seeds" LOL, but he wasn't like that. But what I really love is that he makes me feel younger because he makes me laugh at life and have fun!
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