Our original plan was for it to be just the two of us. We have always set peoples expectations that we would be getting married abroad both of our parents wouldnt be able to travel due to ill health plus my Mum has never been outside of the UK so would totally freak out at the thought of a 12 hour flight!! We have recently moved back to the UK after living in Canada and are currently living with my parents whilst we wait for our furniture to be shipped back. As people have been used to us not being around and the living with the folks we booked the wedding as soon as we could as it may not be financially viable once we are back in our own place. We have booked for Costa Rica for March 2011 and told everyone that we had booked and didnt invite anyone to accompany us. However 2 friends asked if they could join us so we have accepted them happily into our wedding. We had hoped to have an AHR to integrate the families into our celebration but I cant see this happening due to some unexpected costs bring our stuff back to the Uk. I think we will look at booking a special meal for close friends and family once we are back.