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Everything posted by bryanandchar

  1. I love your monogram! It's so pretty! I'm getting one made, I can't wait to see what she comes up with for me:)
  2. I love bare minerals too! It's amazing the coverage you can get from such a light product!
  3. Laura - I love your bouquets too! I think I'm going to try and make my own also. What are those white flowers? I'm horrible with flower names! Erin and Brandy - I have the same issue with my FI. We agreed that we'd just ask our friends who are coming to stand up for us and whatever happens, happens. But we both have sisters and no brothers so they were an obvious choice for me, then we each have 2 friends coming, so I have 4 and he has 2. He keeps bringing it up that I have more than him, so I know it's definately bugging him. I'm starting to feel bad that I've asked the 2 extra girls....but I can't exactly go back on that now!! He has a couple of other friends that have been on the fence about coming, so I really hope that they do so he'll have another couple guys to stand up with him. I guess we'll see.
  4. For anyone who's into iPhone apps, there's a new NikeWomen Training app for FREE! I found it under the featured apps. It's got workouts that you can do at home with a few weights. A lot of the exercises are the same ones that I used to do with my trainer and they are really good for a full body blast! There are also videos of each exercise also to see how to properly execute. One warning though- it takes a long time to download from the app store, but it seems really great so far! A good back up for when you can't hit the gym!
  5. I'd be interested in that if you have the link handy! Thanks!
  6. Thanks so much for the feedback! I'll keep looking around...
  7. I found the prettiest starfish necklaces tonight at Swarovski - it comes with both pendents like a double necklace I'm thinking of getting them for my BMs and mom/future mom/sisters, except then I'd need to buy ~8 necklaces and they're $150 each...... I don't know what to do! They are really so pretty though!!
  8. Tris - those shoes are fabulous and you can't beat that price! I love your BM dresses too - very pretty!
  9. Thanks! I guess there's still time for me to make some brochures - luckily there are lots of ideas on here to help me out! My FI's never been to Europe before, and I've been once when I was really young so that barely counts! It will definately be an experience!
  10. Both dresses are absolutely stunning on you!! I too had found another dress that I absolutely loved, and everyone that saw me try it on complimented me on it, but it was 3x more than I had wanted to pay. So I found another dress, that I wasn't as excited about at first, but it fit the bill for my budget and what I wanted. Anyways, now closer to my wedding I am beginning to LOVE the dress I have and am very happy with my choice. My advice is don't have any regrets and listen to your heart, you get to do this day once, so if you factor that over the next 30+ years make sure you are happy with your decision!
  11. On a side note, my FI and I booked a trip to Europe in July for our honeymoon! We're planning on seeing Amsterdam, London and Paris, and maybe Switzerland too if we have enough time. It worked out great for us because we are both getting our flights for free - I'm going a bit early for a conference so I can expense my flight to work, and my FI had enough points to get his flight free too! I'm so excited!
  12. Lisa - I like your brochures! Actually everything's great:) How early before your trip are you sending those out to your guests? I would like to make those too, but I guess I forgot to consider that it takes a few weeks to order/ship from Vistaprint still...I had better get on that!! Wow, we are getting so close to April!!
  13. I tried putting together an order at afloral and they quoted me $110 for shipping to Calgary...how did you get your shipping for so cheap in Canada? I thought this might save a bit of money, but with that high of shipping, it doesn't look too good for me now..
  14. Brandy - I love all those hair clips/headbands you've found! It's too bad that we can only wear them once! I'd love to wear a few of those:) Tris - I don't know about vases, but I have found clear square plastic containers at Office Depot before, they are supposed to be a pen holder, and they come with a detachable lid, but if you jazzed them up with a little ribbon I don't think anyone would tell the difference. I think they were quite cheap too, only a dollar or two.
  15. Those lounge chair covers are a great idea - has anyone actually ordered any yet? I'm curious to know how bulky they are, and if you'd still need another towel or not...
  16. Wow! Great store! Thanks for sharing, I've added to my favorites. Etsy is the greatest!
  17. I absolutely love the song Better Together by Jack Johnson. I think that's in our tops for our first dance....there is one live acoustic version that merges that song with another of his called Angel, it's a great mix, I think the album is called En Concert. It's even more special for me since my FI picked it as his favorite which makes me swoon!! Also, I just *splurged* on a custom cake topper from Etsy. I'm in a wedding frenzy today:) I'm just buzzing with excitement!! I have been waiting for the new year to begin planning and now it's on!!
  18. I ordered it from the bridal shop where I bought my dress. It's from a company called Bel Aire Bridal (belairebridal.com), the clip/style number is 1966. It wasn't exactly cheap but I loved it so much I had to get it!!
  19. Hi ladies! This is my dress - I don't have a picture of me in it yet! It's been hiding at my MOH's for months and I'm trying to not try it on again until closer to the wedding:)
  20. Hi ladies! I just picked up my hairpiece today and am so excited that I had to share it with you all! Also, I bought my dress 3 months ago but didn't get a picture and I've been hiding it at my MOH's house, and so I finally found the website and have a picture of it now too! Now I can start to find matching accessories and shoes!! What do you guys think?? ~Char
  21. Hello ladies! Oh my gosh I get married in 3 months! I sure hope I can get everything done by then! I still need my dress altered and bustled...could someone pass me Connie's info also? Is that the best/most affordable place to go to? My dress is fairly simple along the sides so taking it in a little shouldn't be too much of a problem, so I'd like to find someone cheap. Thanks!!
  22. Of course you can! If you cut an extra 1000 calories per day through diet and exercise from what you are currently doing you should technically lose 2 pounds per week. Diet is important one though - it is about 90% of the battle, exercise realistically only accounts for about 10% of weight loss so don't rely solely on that. And the good news is since you have 16 weeks you have plenty of time! The real killer for weight loss is stress! So do whatever you can to have as little stress as possible, which is tough when you're planning a wedding and are putting pressure on yourself to lose the weight....believe me, I know!!
  23. Count me in too! I leave April 2nd and have a goal in mind, so this will be great for motivation!
  24. Hi ladies, I need help! What do you use for motivation? I'm having a lot of trouble there, I have been dieting and have really increased my exercise level for about a month now and yet I have only lost 3 pounds. I'm finding it very difficult to keep at it because I'm just not having the results that I would have expected after all of my hard work. I've lost inches - I can tell, but I'm really frustrated by the number I'm seeing on the scale. I have a goal in mind for my wedding in April, but I don't think I'll reach it now.....or even get close at this rate. How do I keep motivated to keep dieting when the scale isn't moving? I sometimes feel I might as well eat what I want because it's not like I'll gain any weight if I do anyways. But I know in the back of my mind that it will pay off eventually, but it's just so hard. Especially now that the holidays are coming. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks:)
  25. I ordered the sage green organza sashes, they have like 3 or 4 different shades of green so I wasn't sure I'd like them, but I LOVE them!! They are perfect for a beach. They also look just like the picture on the website in case anyone ordered them also. I ordered extras because I thought I could use for extra decoration elsewhere (maybe as a table runner also), but they are way to narrow for that. I guess we'll have to be creative when we get there:)
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