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Everything posted by ynmaldonado

  1. Hello Heidi, Â Glad you hear that you had an amazing experience at Le Blanc. I have been researching as well and am getting a little over whelmed as there is so much to choose from. I like Le Blanc because my fiance and I both have very modern taste and want our wedding to reflect us. I have some questions for you and would love to see your pics. We have about 30 guests coming. I think the packages are great for what they provide but I am a little hesitant because seems like the cost for room is very pricey. I would hate to have my guests paying $500 + for hotel. Aside from the windy affecting the actual Wedding location, was the entire time windy? Also, do they have a set up for cocktail party and buffet style reception in the pool area? Did they give you any type of group rate discount? I requested you as a friend on FB. My name is Yesenia Maldonado. Â Thanks so much for your post.Very helpful. Â Yesenia
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