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Everything posted by mexicobride422

  1. Congratulations and happy planning:)
  2. Congratulations! You will love Secrets Maroma! My fiance and I were there over the summer and had the chance to see wedding taking place on the each and it was absolutely beautiful!
  3. Congratulations:) I was with my fiance for five + years before he recently proposed over the summer.. And just like you I can't wait to start planning!! Â ps. This website becomes addicting!
  4. What a great idea Mandy.. Very nice personal touch that I am sure your guests loved!
  5. Hi ladies:0) Â Thank you for making me feel better and putting everything into perspective for me. In the end whoever wants to be there on my special day will be.. I just hate this feeling of being stuck in my wedding plans.. So I'm just going to go ahead with it.. And deal with the havoc when the fam gets their save the dates in the mail;) Â ps. Abbie-- the Royal will let you put down a $200 deposit to secure the date and location... But that's all I can really do.. Air and room packages I'd have to wait a while for:(
  6. Â Hi ladies.. I just need to vent! I am new to the forum and have already spent countless hours reading reviews and looking through amazing pictures.. More than ever this forum only reinforced what I already know to be true.. My heart is completely set on having a destination wedding.. My fiance and I love to travel and could not think of anything more romantic, more fitting, more special than to get married on a beach somewhere far away, with only our closest friends and families. My family however thinks it is the most ridiculous thing in the world.. His is just the opposite and support us fully. We are both Greek Orthodox, and the idea of not having the traditional church ceremony followed by a reception with 300 people just doesn't make sense to my family.. I recently informed my parents on our decision and it just caused havoc:( I told them that they would not need to contribute anything financially.. But they just did not want to hear about it.. I don't know what to do.. We have set the date for April 22, 2012(our seven year anniversary), so we do have time before invites and save the date's go out.. But I am afraid that my family will never accept what we want.. I do not know what to do.. I realize that should we go ahead with the DW the majority of my family will not attend.. Does that bother me? Of course! But not as much as it would hurt me to sacrifice what I want and have this wedding that I in no way shape or form ever saw for myself! My fiance and I have already selected the resort and the package and I have already started to drive the wedding coordinator crazy with my emails.. My fiance really wants to put down the deposit by the end of next month and send out our dace the date's by Jan/Feb.. How do I make my family see that I am not the traditional bride they want me to be.. :sigh:
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