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Everything posted by EricaMarie

  1. I have been to weddings with uneven bridal parties and I dont think it is a big deal. Two guys can walk with one girl. I would suggest not choosing another person just to have one. Good luck with everything.
  2. What do you mean book your day?
  3. I know this is an old thread but has anyone recently used Promovision for photography? There prices are incredible so I was wondering if anyone has any feedback. Thanks
  4. Your wedding will come up so quickly. Who is your coordinator? What do you have planned so far? I am trying to look into photographers now while I wait for Jimmy and coordinator to work out some details for me. I just sent out my save the dates yesterday so that was exciting. I made boarding pass save the dates.
  5. Thanks! I am getting married in PV but not at Las Caletas. I found somewhere else that is a completely private venue, will let me have a sit down dinner, and pretty much anything I think of. I could still hire fire dancers if I want still deciding on that. Oh, and no boat ride to worry about. Sandra where are you now getting married?
  6. Congrats Manda! Good luck with your planning! Do you know what destination that you want? You are going to find so much great information on here. My travel agent still isnt too hopeful for prices soon, but I hope they are out sooner than the groups department is telling her.
  7. You could try painting the starfish I have seen others that used colored starfish. Maybe you should also try putting the centerpiece on top of something white to get a better idea of how they will look on a set table. That really looks great though!!!
  8. Zelda, I really like those. As long as wind is not an issue as someone else mentioned I think they look great!
  9. Thanks for the input. How long before your wedding are you sending out your invites?
  10. I have also sent a prelimanry RSVP request with my save the date which they will do on our website. Yes, website has travel agent information as well as when rates for airfare will be out and suggested time to begin booking. This is just hard to plan since I am sending out save the dates over a year ahead of time and travel agent suggests guests begin booking 10 months before the wedding. I am getting married the week between Christmas and New Years so a good deal will be hard to come by. I am also not having my ceramony or reception at a resort, so it isn't information they need yet. For now I have made those two pages of my website private so guests can't see.
  11. I am preparing to send out my save the dates for my December 2011 wedding. I have included the wedding date, destination as Puerto Vallarta, and our wedding website. If my wedding website has information stating where we are getting married, where the reception is, and travel information I feel like what is the point of the invitation. Would it be better to not allow guests to see webpages with ceramony and reception information until invites are sent out? How far before wedding should invites be mailed out? I appreciate any fedback!
  12. Thats a great idea. I will be having kids as well and want to keep them occupied!
  13. Thanks! I think it will be a great time with family and friends!
  14. Things are changing rapidly in certain areas of Mexico, which is why I am asking if things have not affected this area yet. Of course I would not go somewhere that is unsafe. Half of my family lives in Mexico and I will not be going where they live or where my family has our second home due to the fact that it is now unsafe there. I don't know anyone in Puerto Vallarta and have not been there myself for 2 years now, which is why I am asking those who have there recently to ask if things have not changed there. I have gone to various parts of Mexico mostly non-tourist areas every year for the last 14 years. I love Mexico and want my family at my wedding which is why I will be having my wedding out there. I just want to be able to tell family members who are worried that I have heard that people just went to PV and there are no issues currently there. I truly appreciate all your comments.
  15. My concern comes from how unsafe soo many non-tourist areas in Mexico are now. There are more and more areas with problems now. My wedding isnt for over a year so I am worried things will change by then.
  16. Congrats!! If you dont mind me asking since you were just in Puerto Vallarta how was the safety in that area?
  17. Thanks for the info. I spoke with Father Estaban and he also told me that the mass could be in Spanish or English or both. So far so good with the planning.
  18. Ok, good to know because I feel like all the samples I looked at had the resort listed. thanks.
  19. Thanks! That is what I figure, better they at least now the date and are thinking about it and saving.
  20. These look great! Did you not cut the magnet to be the same same corners like the boarding pass? Would you mind sharing how much it costed for magnet sheets?
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