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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. I love the Facebook idea! Do you have a template or more pictures of that posted on here?
  2. Everything looks great....love all the labels you made for the various bags. Cute!
  3. Great job! Everything looks great....love your dress! This makes me very excited for my AS wedding! Congratulations!
  4. Love it. Love the dress, love the shoes, love the handbag, love the ring, love the flowers, love all of it! FANTASTIC job!!! Congratulations!!!
  5. Everything looks great! Congratulations! Your dress is beautiful!
  6. Awesome job! Everything looks great! Congratulations! Love your dress!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TLGnhci Hi girls, My etsy lady just sent me pics of my flowers. I think I like them. It's hard to tell in pics. There's one picture though that makes my bouquet look funny. I feel like I like the smaller versions better. Hmmmm. But maybe I'll love it in person. Those turned out beautifully!!!
  8. Wow....I'm impressed! I LOVE the custom maps....and ordered one from an etsy seller for my STD!! I could never have done it on my own like you did!
  9. Awesome website.....I'm definitely going to have to spend some time on there perusing!
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