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Everything posted by blingbling

  1. Does your group drink? If so, it might be a good idea to get the speeches out of the way at dinner. If you wait for the disco party, you might have some slurred speeches! teehee. Who cares if it's not private - I don't think the other guests will mind hearing about how wonderful you and your groom are
  2. I actually like the Red Stripe idea. Some may consider it a little redneck, but Red Stripe is such an integral part of Jamaica, that it has almost become a symbol of that country. No one will wonder why you are pouring the sand into a Red Stripe bottle. So if you like the idea, do it! Just keep in mind that the bottles are brown, so you won't see too much color through the bottle.
  3. Â I love the orange and pink! That will be fabulous on the beach!! I've seen pictures all different ways wtih parasols. Personally, I think the bride should have a white parasol. For any individual bridal photos...the white parasol would look very classic. That's all a matter of personal preference though. Order an orange one and try it with your dress. Then try to imagine how it would look with your dress in pink. Â Â Â
  4. Â I'm using a local travel agent, and our wedding is June, 2011. Everyone's rates may differ depending on flights, packages, etc.
  5. Â Â I have read from other brides that you do a lot of finalizing once you get to the hotel. It's frustrating not having all the details finalized, but from what I've read...Nicole will make SURE your wedding day is perfect. And depending on weather, you might have to make some wedding day changes anyway. As long as you have your guests and your dress - everything else will fall into place Have you checked the other forums to answer the questions you have? There is LOTS of good info in there. Shoot off the questions...maybe we can help?
  6. Â I can't speak for the Grand, because I never looked into that Hotel. I wanted my guests to be able to bring their kids (if they wanted), and the Grand is adults only. My TA only gave me quotes for rooms with double occupancy. It ends up being cheaper (don't ask me why). The rates for Rose Hall Suites should hover around $300/night (for two people). The rate may vary by $20 or so...but any price around that number is a good rate. Assuming double occupancy, your rate is in the $400's per night. I'd say that's a bit high. You can book on expedia.com for cheaper than that. However, it depends on when you're travelling to Jamaica. There are peak seasons, so perhaps your quote is for a peak season? You'll also want to ask if that rate is for an ocean view, etc.? Â Â
  7. I would HIGHLY recommend that all DW brides use a travel agent. All I had to do was tell my travel agent where and when. She did the rest. My wedding is in June, 2011 at the IB Rose Hall Suites. Packaged with airfare and transfer vouchers, my guests will be paying just under $300 per night (for TWO guests). Â It's so much easier telling your guests to call your TA. That way you can keep track of your guests and itineraries, etc. If there are any problems with the reservations, it's the TA who will take charge. Â Good luck with the planning! Â Â
  8. This is a great question! Personally, I've been looking at it this way...I know I can find a great local photographer who I could fly to my DW and shoot my wedding. But if I can find a photographer at my DW location who is comparable in price, I would chose the "island photographer" because he/she would know the hotel and sites very well. Either way...I'm definitely not using the photographer provided by the hotel.
  9. Â Thanks for the boost in confidence Misee17...I like the idea too. Definitely more unique - I ordered one from lunabazaar to check it out with the dresses. Guess I'll just roll with the punches - if it's windy...we'll make do Â
  10. Has anyone used (or planning on using) parasols instead of bouquets for the BM's? Just wondering how they would work with the windy weather in Jamaica? Any of the brides have pictures with the parasols? Thanks!
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