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Everything posted by MsClarke724

  1. So... we got our proofs back... here is one... I will post more after we get the final images back... what am I supposed to do with these things anyway?? LOL I know I will use one for our save the date, but what about the rest of them?? P.S. I hope I post this right.... <a href="http://s288.photobucket.com/albums/ll172/shaquita724/?action=view&current=14.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll172/shaquita724/14.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  2. I have also been working on getting group rates - it seems that a 4 night vacation for our friends and family will run about $1300 which is still very reasonable - and our travel agent is going to require a down payment, but people can make payments (which is nice)
  3. lots of booty shots LOL but seriously... I think maybe a sexy padded push up bra could give u a little more umpppfff
  4. I am Arizona and working with someone in PA. Most of my family is in PA and someone else I knew recommended her. It has not been a problem so far - we just email like crazy.
  5. lol I have a ways to go as well - good thing my wedding isn't until 2012
  6. Did you do the first aid kits yourself or did you buy them somewhere?
  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/50-Custom-Personalized-Destination-Wedding-Travel-Mugs-/310246864335?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483c2775cf
  8. well this is kind of a no brainer BUTTTTT so far, ebay has been amazing - I promise to post more once I get into more planning - I still have over a year
  9. they are so cute!! I am awaiting mine - we took them 2 weeks ago and should have them by end of next week - oh the anxietyyyyyy
  10. welcome!! congrats!! happy planning
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