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Everything posted by MsClarke724

  1. Thanks so much to Signatures By Sarah for designing my save the dates!! A local business did the printing, and I took care of the cutting and gluing myself. I am so excited to send these out in a week or so!!
  2. Does anyone know about tax and gratuity? I read that services are subject to 27% tax and gratuity. However, the wedding coordinator assured me that the packages included tax and gratuity. I was curious about the additional people I will pay for that are not included with the package (whether I would need . Any one have experience with this or have any input? It would be much appreciated.
  3. We have an official date - Jan 28, 2012 @ Dreams Punta Cana!! Now, I just have to wait for package prices to come out for our guests!! I cannot wait!!
  4. The cost is definitely going to depend on the number of guests who decide to attend. Have you looked at Dreams Wedding Packages yet? There is a wedding calculator that I could send you if you send me you email.
  5. Hey All!! I am getting married January 28, 2012 at dreams Punta Cana!!
  6. OK - so I would like some opinions. My wedding is Jan 28, 2012. Prices for our guests are not available yet because it is too soon to book airfare. However, the first week of January is available and it is like $2500 per person for the week. People have tried to tell me that it is just like this in the beginning and that it will not stay this high, but I am nervous since our guests could never afford such an expensive trip if it did. How long will it take for prices to decrease to something reasonable (say $1500)? Anyone have any further insight or experience with this??
  7. www.digitalwish.com has HD Flip Video Cams buy one get one free for $150.00 - they would make great gifts!!
  8. I got my official wedding date!! January 28, 2012!!
  9. Also, am I allowed to consult this with my fiance or is the song supposed to be a surprise?
  10. I searched this site specifically for this song to make sure I wasn't crazy for wanting to walk down to it!! yay!!!
  11. I am anxiously awaiting 2012 dates to open up so I can get this planning thing started - does anyone know if it is hard to secure a weekend wedding date? It just seems like lots of people get married during the week and I didn't know if that was choice or because weekend weddings are hard to reserve.
  12. For us, the number of days will also be different, BUT most of our guests will stay four days, so the group rate will apply to those four days. Our TA said for guests wanting to stay longer, she could still negotiate a discounted rate for the other nights, but as far as our "free nights" - it would be based on the four majority nights. Did I make sense??
  13. Is there someone I need to email about accessing files? I hit 150 posts on Sunday, but have not gained access yet. I may be missing something if someone could tell me what to do, I'd love you forever.
  14. Does this sound ok for our wedding website?? Your presence at our wedding is the best wedding gift we could receive. For shower purposes, registry information will be posted at a later date.
  15. Is anyone putting a disclaimer on this portion of their website? like - we don't expect gifts if you're traveling to our wedding?
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