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Everything posted by acw271011

  1. I don't remember which bride I got it from... lol If it was you, thank you!! It's a great find and a super suggestion!! It was just too good not to pass on!! Oh and the colours are great too!!
  2. I can't get over the price! Compared to other ones I looked at, the price for this bag is great!! It's cheaper than the Vistaprint canvas bags and much better quality!
  3. Hi. I just wondered what made you decide on this resort? Did you do a site visit? It's my first choice for next year and I was signed up for Tammy's webinar for this resort, but the Rep got called away and the webinar got cancelled. I'm not going to Mexico until later this year to be able to take an advanced look. Everything looks wonderful online. I filled in the form they sent and returned it, but they still haven't answered the specifc questions I asked. I'm still a long way from finalizing anything so I'm not pushing, but it would be nice to know if the resort is a good option or not for the group that we'll have.
  4. You definitely have a cool date!! Ours worked out semi memorable - 20.10.2011
  5. Your dress is gorgeous!! Who is the designer? (sorry, just curious) I think that necklace is beautiful, and the earrings too! Hair up or down?
  6. Hi ladies, https://www.sassyapparelblanks.com/1100-Gemline-Select-Zippered-Tote?gclid=CLrUx6abor0CFUuXOgodJXoA2g Here is another suggestion. Nice colours. Big. Zippered. Definitely reusable. And from what I can see there isn't a minimu. And at $3+ not a bad deal either!
  7. Congrats and welcome to the site! You'll find a ton of information here so definitely read, read, read!! A travel agent is always a good place to start. You're on the one year mark, so I'm not sure if you'll get decent pricing yet or not. But just for fun, try itravel2000.com and put in Jamaica just for resorts. Get the details on the sizes and what they have for amenities and narrow down the list. Then once you start checking with travel agents, you'll have a short list of resorts to discuss. We got married at Gran Bahia Principe Jamaica, but that might be a bit bigger than what you're looking for. The price is reasonable, and it's a great resort. Might be worth checking out. Good luck and happy planning!
  8. I did steel band music since it was Jamaica, but it was the traditional stuff. I didn't want to get too way out.
  9. Congrats and welcome to BDW! I've heard over the years that trips out of St Johns are expensive. Halifax has better rates if that's something that would be doable for your group. You don't say when your wedding date is, or where you're going. I would definitely try to check different travel agents if possible. Some are better than others. Quotes you can start about a year out, occasionally a little more than a year, but try to make sure you get a price drop protection built in so that if the price does go down you get one shot at saving a bit of money. Best of luck and happy planning! You'll find tons of information here that will help you out!
  10. You would be better off contacting Wright Travel and working with one of the agents. The Canadian vacation structure is quite different than how things are put together in the US. We have charter airlines here that do just vacation packages, something that is not available in the US. You could use the Wright Travel request form here on the site and tell them what you're looking for. They're the specialists for destination weddings, and have all kinds of perks and extras available depending on the resort you're looking at. Good luck and happy planning!
  11. Definitely contact Tammy at Wright Travel that owns this site. She's a Dreams Los Cabos bride and Wright Travel are DW specialists!! I know they'll be able to help you out. Welcome to the site, and good luck and happy planning!
  12. Hi. There was a bride on here from Alberta that was married at the same resort as me. She worked with a company called AMA and was really happy with them. I don't know the location but could find out if no one else comes along with something that works for you. We used Marlin Travel here in Toronto, but I don't know if they're also out west or not. Congrats by the way, and welcome to BDW! I know you'll find information here that will help you out! Good luck and happy planning!
  13. From the album: Photos

  14. From the album: Photos

  15. Congrats and welcome to BDW! It's too bad you had to change your venue, but I think Las Vegas will be an awesome place to get married! It's on my bucket list of places to go so I'm sorry I can't help with any info, but I'm sure if you hunt around the site you'll find information that will help you out! Good luck and happy planning!
  16. I agree completely! It's nice to read through the posts, but just tonight I was reading through one, and there is a video posted that isn't even the same resort as the thread. It's definitely annoying. I like to see the vendors advertising to see what they offer, but as you said, appropriately and in the right place. And the rules absolutely should be the same for everyone. It's just what's fair!
  17. Are you in the US or Canada? There is a site I use, but if you're in the US, it won't do you any good since the pricing and packaging will be Canadian.
  18. There is a vendor on this site - dreamweddings - that does planning and events in the RM area. I've no idea what their pricing is like, but if you pm her I'm sure she'll at least be able to give you an idea on pricing. Good luck!
  19. I'm hooked on turquoise.... just not sure if I want it with hot pink or coral. leaning towards pink
  20. Any place I've looked at you have to pay a deposit to hold a specific date. Then the rest follows later on but yes I would expect that would allow you to book current rates. Definitely get in touch with the WC when she's back.
  21. Congrats and welcome to BDW! You've already found out how awesome this site is! Everyone is more than willing to share their info and ideas. If you want some ideas on a location, read through some of the reviews of the resorts!. Might give you an idea at least of what country to start with. I would also recommend a travel agent! I don't know how they work in Bermuda but if have a group travelling with you it will be a big help in getting your guests together! Have fun and happy planning!
  22. We're 11 months apart, and this year we're both on the other side of number towards 60! But we get given mid-40s all the time! Our hairdresser says my husband for his age (almost 57) has some of the most beautiful hair she's ever seen! lol
  23. I have to be honest. In all the times I've flown south, and seen brides on flights and been one.... I've never seen anyone "stuff" their dress into an overhead bin! Relax ladies!! lol There's one of 2 ways of doing it. Either be a bridezilla and completely take over one bin and stand by it and don't let anyone else put anything in it, or wait until other people have luggage in one and fold your dress just once in half and lay it on top. I swear - it works!! And people get giddy over wedding stuff, so as soon as they see you carrying a wedding dress.... they'll get all mushy and do whatever they can to help you out! And if you REALLY want a fuss... lol take a piece of masking tape and write "WEDDING DRESS" in big letters on it, and stick it on the outside of whatever you're dress is in. Guaranteed to make people help you out! Just watch you don't get half a dozen people asking you to open up your dress bag so they can see it!!! Happy planning!!
  24. And a reminder as well that a lot of the brides on this site are in the US, and the way things are booked in the US is quite different than Canada. I spoke with one of the Wright Travel agents because we're so close to the US border and could easily have a US departure if it would be to our benefit. I was very surprised! The rates were unbelievable, and that was without airfare! And we're going at what is commonly called "low season". So keep shopping around for a travel agent that will work with you. A good relationship with your agent is important. Good luck and happy planning
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