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Everything posted by LisaandJeff

  1. I have been doing following the Skinny Bitch method (all vegan, no sugar, no white flour, no caffeine-- the book is great!) for two weeks now. It is finally getting easier but this is what has saved me: Drinking tons of Good Earth decaffeinated tea (if I have my cup in my hand, I'm not as tempted to eat, plus I am staying hydrated) -- this has also replaced my Starbucks habit! Eating fruit for breakfast and a piece of fruit right before I work out. Just thought I'd share! Anyone else have little tips that seem to be helping?
  2. I'd hire Jack Johnson to play our first song as a surprise to my FI, pay for everyone to fly first class down to Cabo, rent out the entire resort, and fly in a steel drum band to play every day by the pool.
  3. I was wondering if anyone else was having weird wedding dreams! I'm glad I found this thread -- I've been having wedding-related dreams almost every single night. In the last one, it was supposed to be my wedding day, but everyone around me was in high school. Everyone else was getting ready for prom and thought I was nuts for thinking that I was getting married -- including my fiance who didn't have a clue who I was.
  4. January 14th, 12:30pm: Eating an apple and waiting for the bell to ring and for recess to end. (I teach first grade). Using every last moment on BDW in order to get to my 150th post!!!
  5. Dress #2!! Not only because it's fabulous and beachy, but because you look so happy wearing it! It looks great on you.
  6. We just booked our honeymoon trip to Bali! Has anyone been there recently? I would love advice on excursions, best beaches, overrated places, etc. We'll be staying in Jimbaran Bay, the Gili Islands, Ubud, and Seminyak. We're looking for inside tips that maybe we wouldn't find on Trip Advisor! Thank you ladies!!
  7. My fiance and I stayed at Mezzanine last April. It is a small, very nice boutique hotel that has a great Thai restaurant and a cute bar. No outdoor private showers, but it was a really great hotel! Make sure that you stay in one of the upper story ocean view suites -- the lower level isn't as nice and is much darker. Like most places in Tulum, there isn't air conditioning, but there are ceiling fans. Go to Trip Advisor for real travel reviews, ratings and pictures -- it really helped us choose our hotel! By the way, if you can, book a private eco tour (cenote diving/snorkeling, swimming with sea turtles, zipline) with Edventure in Tulum. They are awesome! So much fun and reasonably priced. After our little adventure we hung out with our guide at one of his favorite local spots on the beach and had a few beers and the most amazing food. Good luck and have fun! Tulum is gorgeous -- so is Playa del Carmen, so make sure to at least take a day trip there.
  8. everything you need for a wedding: all you need is love (and now I have the song stuck in my head!)
  9. Do you know how she made the seals for the envelopes with your logo? These really look great! Thanks for sharing! Fingers crossed that you'll post templates.
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