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Everything posted by jenthony

  1. Hi everyone! My fiance and I are getting married May 10th 2012 Is anyone having a legal Catholic ceremony? If so, do you know if we have to be there a certain number of business days prior to the wedding date? Jen
  2. Hi JRamirez, Do you have Facebook? look for some of us there at RIU Palace Punta Cana Brides!! Jen
  3. Hi Kelly! I added you on Facebook I'll see you there! Your website is lovely! You did a great job on that. We are getting married just a month after you, May 12th. So I cannot wait to hear all about your wedding and experiences! We have also chosen the Tiffany Blue colour as our theme. We may blend our colour in with grey and fushia pink. Fushia pink flowers will look very nicely with that colour Have you sent out your Save the Date Cards yet? Jen ps. see you on Facebook!
  4. Hi! We are getting married May 12, 2012. Our wedding is booked, but not our flight and room yet. How's the planning coming along!? Are you on Facebook?
  5. Hello Riu palace PC 2012 brides-to-bes!! I am trying to start a group on Facebook! If you're planning or had a RIU palace PC wedding, message me with your Facebook name so I can add you! Jen
  6. Hi ladies!! It's been a while since I posted on here.... I am trying to create a RIU Palace Punta Cana Group on FACEBOOK... message me with your name if you're on it and would like to be part of the group!! Thanks Jen
  7. The rates won't be out until around July of this year for July 2012.
  8. Your pictures look so beautiful Do you have any pictures of the food portions from reception? How many guests did you end up having? Do you have any tips or suggestions? I'm worried about bringing OOT bag stuff down on the plane. I'm thinking of dispersing my stuff with family members (in their luggages) but still on the fence about it. How much did your guests have to pay from Hamilton or Ontario?
  9. lindsay22-- My travel agents are quoting at at least $1500 per adult.
  10. Congrats to all those who have booked your date!! I have booked mine for May 2012!! I'm starting to really plan now.... waiting for group rates from the travel agent. I heard that the best times to get rates is 6-8 months before the wedding date. skygirl - try emailing Daniela at [email protected] She's the RIU Sales Exec and has been great in answering all my questions. Once you confirm a date, she will help you through the process and then link you up to the wedding co-ordinators. ablj209- hi! congrats on your wedding!! I am also looking for a photographer. I really want someone who is unique and has unique ideas for poses and stuff. Would you say Carribean Emotions were really great? Do you have pictures you can share? Also, where did you have your reception dinner? We were thinking of the Steakhouse...but I looked at the menu and i worry it's not enough food as we have big men with big appetites coming ;p
  11. Hi kristyndaniel, My FI and also planning our wedding next year at RIU palace may. We have our date booked with the resort already and just sent out the STD cards last week!!! I think right now booking the ceremony is important to book the priest or minister. Did you contact that travel agent Linda that was suggested to you? We are also looking for great deals and are from toronto
  12. Hi Kristyndaniel, My fiance and I are also from Toronto and getting married 2012. The first steps we took was booking the ceremony date. We are booked for May 12th at Riu Palace PC!!! We've sent out or Save the Dates last week already Have you contacted that travel agent yet that ashleyandryan used? I may want to contact her too if she's in Toronto.
  13. Hi Jenbondoc, We went through a lot of resorts and finally decided that we would stick with RIU. I've read a lot of good reviews on this resort. And apparently, out of all the RIUs, the Punta Cana Riu Palace is the best. I chose this resort also because I am having a Catholic ceremony and the cost for this type of religious ceremony was cheaper than a lot of the other resorts I looked into. My initial resort was Moon Palace... but everyone was telling me that DR water is cleaner and nicer. Jen
  14. Hi everybody!!! I am planning our wedding at Riu Palace Punta Cana for May 2012. Anybody getting married there next year?? Hope to chat with some of you!! Jen
  15. I read that this photographer is pretty good. I just emailed him to ask what his package prices are... I'll pass on the info if you'd like. http://www.weddingpuntacana.com/Information.html jen
  16. Hmm... that's true, 60 guests might be a lot for tables, but hey you never know! Some of them may want to be around you while you're taking pictures with the photographer.... to have on their own camera! Let me know what they say .... I wonder if there's an actual bar or area where guests can get drinks outside of your private area. Maybe they can bring their drinks inside....or maybe they can pre-drink prior to the reception. It's just so weird to have to pay for drinks at an all-inclusive resort eh. Which outside photographer are you using? jen
  17. Hi Q (by the way my friend's nickname is "Q" also-- real spelling is Kieu) Regarding the cocktail hour before reception: I read in another BD's forum that she requested setting up a few tables for her group at the lobby bar. Not sure if that's remotely close to the restaurant you'll be having your reception, but it's worth a try asking. Are you having it at the Steakhouse Restaurant? Do they have a bar in the restaurant that your guests can chill at during the picture-taking? I guess we're thinking on the same boat regarding keeping costs low regarding: sashes, decorations, centre-piece etc. I'm all about doing things myself and getting silk/fake flowers to cut on costs!!! :0 Are you paying to have an open-bar at your reception? I heard that's extra as well?! WOW this is definitely where the resort is making money eh.... the reception!!! ;p I'd love to send each other our wedding pictures after we've successfully had our happy moment!!!! It'll be nice to see each other's hard work planning turn into a spectacular event jen
  18. Hi Quiyana, First off, CONGRATS to you and your fiance!!! Have you booked your ceremony date yet and gotten group rates? Thanks for your response. I will also PM you my email address. I'm really contemplating whether or not to have the reception private vs. semi-private (in the restaurant). I just feel with such a small group it's a lot of money to rent the reception (is it like $500-$600?), the DJ and an open-bar? If you don't mind me asking how much are you paying for all 3? You can PM me if you feel more comfy there Talk soon! Jen
  19. Congrats to all the 2012 bride-to-bes!!! I too am planning ahead!! My fiance and I are planning to get married at RIU Palace Punta Cana May 2012!!! When did you guys book the ceremony? I'm doing a religious wedding and I know they get booked fairly quickly. So just wondering how early you girls are going to book your ceremony? Happy Planning to everyone!!!
  20. Hi ladies!!! I've been reading a lot of great reviews and am loving this site!! My fiance and I are planning to get married at RIU Palace Punta Cana in May 2012 and are trying to get great tips. Does anybody know where they hold the semi-private receptions (included in free wedding package) and whether there is 1) a dance floor and 2) an ipod/mp3 system to play music? We are only expecting to have about ~30-35 guests... so not sure if we would even qualify for the private reception. Hope to hear from anyone who has had an experience with this!!! Jen
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