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Everything posted by JL925

  1. Thank you so much!!! I had read your threads and they were very informative. Because of you I decided to sign up on this site. I have gotten a few great ideas.
  2. I'm super excited about getting married in the Bahamas at the Atlantis resort. I had my first experience there exactly one year from the date I get married. The minute we got off the plane my fiance wanted us to get married. I told him I wanted our kids to be present and that we would come back in 2010. He laughed it off and said maybe in 2011. I told him that if I have it my way it will be exactly one year later. Sure enough, we started planning three months ago. I am so happy about our choice to have a DW and especially at the Atlantis. We just feel like its the perfect place. Â I'm looking forward to hearing from brides who have already had weddings at the resort and if they have any helpful suggestions in order for this day to run as smooth as possible.
  3. The funny thing is that it wasn't myself who felt awkward about having a bridal shower it was my future mother-n-law. She felt that since we were having a DW you shouldn't invite people that aren't able to attend the wedding. I had to explain to her that everyone was invited but although most were not able to join us they were still invited to our reception back at home. I won the battle and had an awesome shower. The best part about having the shower was not the gifts but being able to share this experience with family and friends who truly love us and support our decision to have a DW even though they are un-able to attend. Most importantly is the fact that they will be able to celebrate with us once we return.
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