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Everything posted by deelyte81

  1. Thanks guys!! This is really a great source!
  2. I'm doing the both the ceremony and reception on board. I wanted to have the ceremony on KW and have the reception on the boat, but I was told I couldn't do that. They said that if I have more than 50 people in order for me to have it on KW I would have to have my reception there too. Is there a way around that?? And please send me any upgrade info you have.. I feel so clueless about what I can really do! Â Oh about the four hours..I had to pay for the additional time and $55 additional per person.
  3. Thank you!!! Yes, this is an awesome site!
  4. Hello All - Â So happy to stumble on a website that is full of other Cruise Brides/Grooms! I am getting Married in March of 2011 on the Carnvial Destiny ship! I am sooo excited. I am still trying to work my way around the site and get used to it..so please bare with me as I stumble around! lol :-)
  5. Where have I been?? I'm soo happy to have stumbled onto this website!!! Â I am also a Carnival Destiny Bride!!! Getting married in March 2011!! I'm soo excited and happy to be here!!
  6. @Lesli127T Â We are getting Married on the SAME DAY and SAME BOAT!!! :-) I am getting married on March 18th 2011, while at the port in Key West! My ceremony is from 12:30 to 1p and reception from 1p to 5p. How far along are you with your planning?? How exciting! Congrats by the way!!
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