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Everything posted by passionsarcasm

  1. Update! So I went to my jewelers recently to get my ring cleaned and decided to ask them...it's a family owned jeweler...the Father starts telling me one thing...the son (who we purchased the ring from) was saying another thing and another son decided to chip in his two cents...All three were saying completely DIFFERENT things LOL...I guess my jeweler saw the 'pained" and 'confused' look on my face that he just said "Listen, don't worry about cleaning it...just come to me every week and I'll have it cleaned in five minutes"...hmm so I'm guessing this will be my option until I feel truly confident in other cleaning ways...b/c it is so not worth the risk of ultimately damaging my ring...
  2. Starfish took the words Right Out of my Mouth!!! Rashedah you are simply AMAZING!!! Your talent is unmatched. I am loving all of your DIY projects. They turn out so spectacular, who could blame you for adding more and more...I am looking forward to seeing your traditional programs (yay) and future projects...Congrats on your intimate ceremony btw...And THANK YOU for taking the time to share all of your inspirations with us...currently my clock says 8:22am and I am "DYING" to go to Michaels right now b/c I truly feel inspired! Your guests are going to be in AWE... ~ E
  3. Aww Brenda that sucks...I had subscribed (site only) to all the threads with attachments that I wanted to view, so that when this day finally arrived I'd be able to find them...now I probably have 200 threads to comb through. lol
  4. Beautiful wedding Kileelaine, your photos are sooo nice. Question, where did you purchase your jute OOT bags, I love them!
  5. Cynthia...thank you so very much for sharing...you are absolutely right..your Thank You cards are definitely unique and amazing! You were a beautiful Bride and your wedding photos look gorgeous. I have to admit that I will be "stealing" this idea...Such an elegant and thoughtful way to thank your guests...from the personalized notes to making sure everyone was included in the photos...you are definitely in the right biz of marketing! Sincerely Thank you!!!
  6. Oo there are some great items on this site...thanks so much for sharing! I feel too your pain for the "bulk items" search... Quote: Originally Posted by Sllefebvr I have been searching the internet for a website that sells things in bulk with bulk prices but where "bulk" means more like 40 rather than 500 +, I found this website and wanted to share it with all of you!! http://dollardays.com/easysearch.aspx?pg=2&c=UserSearch1%3dbeach
  7. Sure thing heavenone ! I probably have like a "1000" inspiration photos saved on my mac LOL...there are just so many great ideas out there...love anything with water...such a calming and renewing effect, Should look great!
  8. Welcome MrsH2B! You will soon fall in love with this site...there are so many great ideas within these forums...try searching the Jamaica forum for fellow Brides and ideas... http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/list/34/destination-weddings-in-jamaica
  9. Very cute theme Anna...Feels Beachy, Relaxed...etc what colors are you thinking of doing? I have in my head aqua...silver.. sand.. thinking mirrors...actually below are some photos of what I envisioned once I read what you wrote: Photos are from Ceci New York web-site ... For my wedding, I'm currently working with two themes since I am planning to have both a Catholic and Hindu wedding...For the Catholic ceremony I'm thinking Vintage, Ultra Romance...Island Chic - Colors are blush pink, cream/ivory, aqua, peach, gold, chocolate brown, tan...etc For the following Hindu ceremony I want Bold, Lively, Passionate and Exotic!...Island Festive - Colors will be orange, turquoise, fuchsia, golden green, chocolate brown and gold. The reception will follow suit with the Hindu ceremony colors... Think I have enough colors? hahahaha
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