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Everything posted by Caprice35

  1. Great pictures...I love the Aqua.. I am thinking about Aqua for my wedding
  2. Congratulations! I heard good things about the Wedding Boat Punta Cana
  3. Thanks for the review. Love your TTD pics! Looks like fun....
  4. hmmm..never heard of this book...I wouldn't mind reading it.
  5. Good luck- this forum has so much great information....you'll pick the right resort.
  6. Congratulations and enjoy the site!
  7. Caprice35

    Next step

    Congratulations on selecting the RIU. Be sure to search the RIU on the forum and get in touch with others that are/were married there. You will get some great information from the other RIU brides. Good Luck!!!!!
  8. Caprice35


    Congratulations Shelia..this website is a huge help.
  9. Welcome to the site and enjoy!
  10. I agree...it's long but, a great movie. IMAX is a treat...it's a must see.
  11. Caprice35


    Congratulations on your engagement and have fun planning!
  12. Congratulations...there's a lot on informations. Take your time and enjoys. Everyone's is very helpful.
  13. Congrats and enjoy. You will find a lot of information on the website.
  14. Congratulations and enjoy the website.
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