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Everything posted by JoZee84

  1. Hi Ladies, just wanted to know, I was asigned Lili as my onsite WC how long before I should be getting an email from her discussing when we are going to meet to go over everything before the wedding? I'm about 3 weeks away now.
  2. Hello to the Mrs that just came back, So glad to hear everything went well. The pics you both posted looked great, can't wait to read your reviews. My date is coming up so fast!!! and I can't wait
  3. Dimax21, I agree. I would NOT check your gown. Carry it on the plane with you, if your airline has first class available then they should have a closet. If you call and tell them you are in economy, coach, business, what ever, they will tell you they do not have one, but usually they do. It is for first class passangers only. I had my TA call my airline and they said they didn't have one either, they had my reservation infront of them and saw I was booked in coach so they said no. But when I called and told them I had a first class ticket and just wanted to know if they have one on the plane and they said yes. Call your airline. Also if they reall don't have one on the plane, try to be the first in line to baord the plane so you have a full bin overhead. From past brides they said the resort is really good at steaming the wedding gowns.
  4. Hi, Dimax21, We or I am not too thrilled about the blood test either. But we also wanted this to be our real ceremony. What else do you need to bring? I know if you have changed your name or been married before you need birth certificates. But all I was told I needed was my passport and tourist card. You leave in 10 days! So excited for you can't wait to hear how it went. please let me know how all the legal things went including the blood test. Have fun!!!
  5. We were told if they were a guest we didn't have to pay the vendor fee. So we booked a room at the cheapest "REAL" resort, it was 90 for the night. We just booked the room no meal plan, added them to our guest list and we're feeding them at the wedding. We saved a little over 150 I believe.
  6. Hi ladies, had to share my dress FINALLY came in!! I was SO nervous it wasn't going to get here on time being that I ordered it in September, they said it would be 4-6 months to come in, well they were wrong. But I go for my fitting tomorrow! yeah!!!
  7. I agree, I feel like its crunch time now! Time does FLY!! The stress is starting to settle in a bit, I just want the planning and DIY projects to be over and just have the day to enjoy. ! :'( I'm sorry your arguing with your FI, I'm sure you dont' need that added stress right now. 300! wow. I though we had a lot at 143. But then again, that is only my family and friends. The FI doesn't really have any family. Sucks about ur in-laws. I hope you at least break even Welcome! Their is SO much information on this site!! from florists to rehersal dinner places on 5th ave., to questions your WC won't answer fast enough. My advice book EARLY! We wanted to book our date 2 years in advance and to make a long story short, we were told it was too early and had to wait so we did and we didn't get the origional date we wanted. All worked out though. Our deposit was also $200. Also I'd make a spread sheet and list things you want for your wedding, how much you intend on spending and how many people. Price out how much each package is and compare it to how much it would be for the "free" package. Good luck planning! Your date will be here before you know it! !
  8. ok ladies need to have my first real freak out. So I ordered my dress in Sep. and it still isn't in! They said it would take 4-6 months to come in and its still not here. They keep telling me not to worry about it that its coming. But my wedding is like 2 months away! What do I do if it doesn't come in ! ? !
  9. Hi ladies, I'd stick with Marvin. He has been getting back to me rather quick. He told me he was really busy right now, but trust me he'll get to you. He sent me a contract and we are still tweeking it a little here and there. He said cash the day of or if someone prefers to send straight to his bank account he'd give the information.
  10. Hi Ladies, I had to share. I had my bridal shower this weekend and I have the most creative and thoughtful bridal party ever! They really surprised the s*it out of me! I thought I was going to breakfast and then shopping with my sister all day. At 8 AM my doorbell rang I thought it was my sister and boy was I wrong! I was greeted with a driver (my brother-in-law dressed as a chauffer) he handed me a card and a gift bag and stayed in character the ENTIRE day! When I read the card it basically said the whole breakfast/shopping day was a crock. Then he handed me another card and it started from there. My bridal party put me on a scavenger hunt. I won’t go through the whole thing cause it was hours long, but to make it short. It started in RI where I live now and ended up NY where I use to live. Every step I had a card with another clue to where I was heading next and at each stop I had a task to do and a gift (usually something to wear) that I had to put on. Starting off with a flowery bag. Then flower hair pin, sunglasses, fun summer earrings, hula skirt, coconut bra, temp tattoos and other stuff. My FI knew about my journey but didn’t know he was going to get surprises too. My gift bags were pink and his were yellow with rocket ships on them. He also had to put everything on. It was HYSTERICAL! Going into public placed dressed up in these crazy outfits! They had me go all over RI and then all over NY. It was SO much fun!! I had NO idea it was coming. We ended up walking into my shower dressed up in these crazy outfits. It was a BLAST!!
  11. hey Heidi82- I booked my photog at the Real playa del carmen hotel and beach club, it is their cheapest hotel room at $90 for the european package (no meal plan). Then they are considered "Real" guests. melsramey- We are only doing 6-8 per table. I saw mentioned about 300 pages back (haha) that 8 fits good. 10 might be squishy. check out suzy831's pic above, theres 8 chairs
  12. Hey Jana, your right Jesmcan and Kshow looked TOTALLY hot in their pics! More stressing out and working out for me! Your pics look awesome too! Its getting so close to our date! EEEEKKK! I got for my chinese dress on April 9th, I hope they can get it done on time. Did you get your AHR dress yet?
  13. I asked my WC. We're getting married on a Wed at 5:30pm. She said on my check list not to check the box for the judge and it was included. Also the white linens are included without a fee. We choose 2 garnishes, its $2 more per plate for a real guest and $4 for a non. I thought that was early too. Marvin's stuff is amazing! If you tell him what kind of flowers your interested in he'll send you pics of ones he has already done with them. Makes it a little easier to narrow down. I scheduled my hair apt at 1pm. It sounds early but I figured if I didn't like it, gives me time to fix it myself. )
  14. FYI for who ever in interested in going to the Blue Parrot, their fire show is at 1:30 pm and 10:30 pm. monday and thursdays are ladies night no cover and free drinks. The rest of the days there is a $10 cover after 10pm.
  15. Just letting you know I asked my WC about the fee for the judge and she said we don't have to pay the $400. YEAH!!! I don't remember who posted about the second garnish but thank you, I think its is so worth it! My FI went to Vegas for his bach party and I was SO jealous! We'll see where my chicas are taking me!! I can't wait!
  16. Check out page 820 Matt's post. MichaelandAraceli's wedding pics. they had a sweetheart table with flowers. I believe they used the resorts florist. We're also getting married at 5:30. There should be plenty of light still for pics. after the ceremony.
  17. ! I know you don't want to cause a fight, but what if you went shopping for another dress with her? Try explaining that your upset about it. If it were me i'd just ask her to go shopping and then find your way to the dress section in what ever store your in. Good luck!
  18. I have a question for past brides. So I was looking over the check list and I noticed that they have a fee for linens. I thought that it was free for just plain white? Are they really going to charge a dollar for napkins and twelve for table cloths? Also I thought that you only paid the extra $400 for the minister, JP, Rabbi etc. if you were getting married on a thurs-sunday? Is anyone else surprised by this ?
  19. I agree, the FI just wants to have them controll it for the ceremony and then just let it run for the reception. We'll see. Tres Leches is a butter cake soaked in three different types of milk. You are allowed to have three people not staying at your resort to come three hours before the wedding with out being charged. They have to be on your guest list though. Thanks for the info on the ipod app. We are doing a cocktail hour before the reception, we have a lapse in the time cause we don't want to miss it either. After the ceremony their is a half hour break for pictures. We figured our family would miss some of the cocktail hour as well cause of family photos. So we have it starting a half hour after. Marvin is really reasonable and fast and his stuff is great! But there is another flower shop there around fifth ave. I have to look back and see if I can find it for you. I don't think they have as many options or as good quality though. Its really tough finding where to pinch pennies. We're doing an AHR also and its getting tight!
  20. We are also doing the same thing. Small group, about 18 people. We opted for the ipod as well. Let me know how it works out! Are you hiring someone to controll your ipod? I know it is around $80 USD. We are trying to figure out whether its worth it or not. I don't want one of our guests to have to controll the music for when the bridal party and I walk down the "aisle" or have the first dance etc. I don't know what to do? We have only had two people drop out so far my future SIL and her daughter, it wasn't about the violence or anything related Mexican related. But it is still annoying cause we really wanted them there. And we bought the BM dress already. We're just going to put it on ebay or craigs list. At least thats good its near prom and wedding season. Are you doing place cards? Or getting your bridal party gifts? Are you hiring someone to run your IPOD? Yeah for Tres Leches!!! Thats what we chose too. Let us know how it is. Its almost here you must be SUPER excited!! 5th ave is right there and their are plenty of places to hang out, if your looking to do something off the resort.
  21. There were some earlier brides that purchased personalized mugs and said everyone loved them and I don't think theirs were insulated. Other things that were put in OOT bags were, reg playing cards and board game cards, hand sanitizer, disposable cameras
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