Hi fellow brides!! I'm getting married at GBP in December. I was skeptical about using the photographers at the onsite photo company Arrecife Studio, but I am lucky enough to have family that live in Playa del Carmen. My family members have been beyond nice by going down to their offices and discussing the terms of photography they have WITH them. As far as I have been told and written down (so I don't forget any of the details, its getting a little hectic!!!), at the beginning of the year they fired their old photographers and hired two new ones Juan José and Nestor Meneses. Both photographers are professional with photojournalistic styles. Yes they do some cheesy photos, but more so of the classy and beautiful ones , you can choose the ones you want according to the photography package you decide on. And if you are not happy they will go beyond to try and make your experience really great. They are currently working on their webpage but until then they have a Facebook page: Arrecife Studio Mexico NOT Arrecife Studio. and I have contacted their Wedding Photo&Video Coordinator and manager at the e-mail they have on the facebook page
[email protected] I was sent the following information: (I'm just copying and pasting, sry if it looks strange) Â *Welcome and general information from Arrecife Studio Photo Company
*WEG Photo Schedule for your Wedding day
*Arrecife WEG Wedding Packages
*Some examples of our professional photographers work You download these files and it gives you ALL THE INFO.  (WEG means Weddings Events & Groups) It specifies that Arrecife Studio has the exclusivity at the resort, which is understandable, the rest of my wedding I have to choose from the decorations, music, AND food from the hotel, why not the photography as well. I'm not at odds with the policy, I know for a fact many of the All-Inclusive hotels have the same policy. For example, at Barceló Maya close by they will NOT let outside photographers inside day pass OR fee.  I'm seeing a lot of photographers posting on these GBP forums about their services which I think is unresponsible. They know the policies, why create problems for the brides?? Even more upsetting to me is how the photographers knowing this will go even further to make the Bride pay for the $800 dollar fee and play stupid?? That fee is for the photographer and the PHOTOGRAPHER only to pay. As brides we have enough stress to deal with.... I am very happy with the services they have given me, even being miles away, even though I've had help from my relatives with gathering information, I feel 100% better about how my pictures are going to turn out on my big day, and my wedding in general.  I will let you guys know how my wedding turns out!! It is only a few months away, but I'm already getting extremely nervous and excited!!  Hope this helps and good luck to everyone elses planning! =)