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Everything posted by urmysunshine

  1. Could somebody post the link for Sheneque (sp??? this is just off the top of my head!!).... I know I saw it yesterday, but I've been searching this thread for sometime now and can't find it. I know I'm not going crazy! LOL
  2. Thanks! Just finished reading through everything... info overload, lol! at least I have 17+ months to get all of this finalized.
  3. Hey everyone! Please add me to the list of soon to be (but not soon enough!) T&C brides! SO and I are planning for June 2012, though nothing has been booked. I've just started reading this thread, and am only on page 6 so far, but I look forward to reading lots of great tips. I have no clue where to start!
  4. Hi everyone! SO and I are planning to get married at T&C June 2012. However, after talking it over extensively, we'd like to leave the government out of it. I know it may sound crazy, but we just want the ceremony to be about us. Does anyone know if this is even possible?? Can we just have a commitment ceremony without getting a license? TIA
  5. I too just found this forum and have learned so much already! We are also planning on doing T&C, just trying to figure out when now... Good luck!!!
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