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Everything posted by STBMrsBW

  1. Wow, Court! That is so pretty! I love how it is like two completly different dresses with the coat! I got my dress today! Finally! DHL shipping was so fast. I tracked it from the time it was given to them until it got to my house today and it was only like 4 days! I am going to give a huge recomindation to the lady who did mine. Here are the pros: 1. She was very accomidating. She told me whatever I wanted changed she would do-for no more money. 2. She always communicated quickly. I got emails from her within hours of my questions. 3. The price was more than fair. I paid $100 with shipping and other sites and stores that I've found my dress were priced a lot more. The cheapest was $400 and the most was over $700 (not including china sites). 4. The end result was exactly what I wanted. I got the lace up back and all. The dress looks exactly like the pictures! And the flowers on the top are actually stitched on, not glued on like I feared they may be. 5. The packaging was wonderful! Two shipping bags and then another tote type bag and then the dress was inside of a clear plastic bag. The only con I can think of is that when she said it had shipped with EMS I couldn't find any info on the tracking number. It was two more weeks before shipping was changed to DHL. I can't say if this was her fault or EMS. Either way, this dress was worth the wait! I went to dhgate.com and used free-trade-zone. I'm going to order from her again for any type of formal wear I need. I'll have to post pics soon. My sister is coming over on Sunday and I'll have to get her to take them. The dress is 2 inches too big in every way but I ordered it that way because I tend to flux on weight, 5-10 pounds every so often. I've been dropping weight recently so I guess I could've ordered my exact measurements for then and been fine but I didn't want to take a chance! I am adding a couple of close ups that I took at home but they aren't very good pics....took them with my phone. Oh, and the wrinkles are almost nill! I hope everyone else loves their dress as much as I do!
  2. I'm a Daytona Beach Bride as well. I'm doing my own make-up though. I'm getting my hair done at Salon 230. All the reviews I've seen for them are really good. They do make-up applications for $30. But if you want it free I'd find a mall or Kohl's store and get them to do it. Does anyone know anything about Blue Grotto? It looks more like a teeny bopper place but they say they are for the mature crowd. I'm 30 and he's 46 so we really don't want to go to a place with a bunch of 20 somethings running around. It is just going to be us bar hopping all night but the Blue Grotto looks cool and has a great menu so we were thinking of going there after the ceremony.
  3. I ordered from free-trade-zone on dhgate.com. It was a custom fit of one of their dresses and I changed the back to lace up instead of the zipper. She told me when I ordered it would take only 5 days to make it and then a week to get here. Well, it took a month to make it and we will see how long to get here. I just got a text at 3AM today that it is on hold in Taiwan! I was excited to get the news but so mad that I got woken up at 3 in the morning. I'm a grouch if I don't get my sleep! My FH started pushing my back so I would wake up and turn off the stupid phone, he was ticked....lol!!!
  4. I love it! The flowers look very real! Do they look as good in person?? I was planning to do fresh flowers with the same flowers and ribbon color but the florist quoted me over $100 for 1 bouquet and 1 small flower for my FH!! I am thinking I'll be going your route since they look so great!
  5. I ordered my dress over a month ago from a seller on dhgate.com with high ratings. I think I may have to fly to China!! I'm getting the same run around that a lot of you are getting.....we shipped it.....oh, here is the NEW tracking number with another company......oh, wait, we just shipped it.....OMG! But this one should be legit....DHL has tracking information! Yay! I am just glad I ordered mine early, I don't have to have it until late May so I can take it to the seamstress for a perfect fitting. I can't wait to post some pics of the dress! Thats odd with babyonline. I've always heard great things about them, quick and easy. And from what I was told they don't give you the run around with refunds. I hope it all works out for you, Mochamakes3!
  6. We are getting married in July and then having our AHR 2 wks later. I called my photographer and was told that before we go home (we will be there for 10 days) he will get us the pictures on a CD but that they may not include the touch ups/digital recreations. I would recommend that if you want pics to share at the AHR then just email or call the photographer and ask. Even if they can't get all of them to you before your AHR they should be able to email some of them. It doesn't hurt to ask and since they should be taken on a digital camera anyway it shouldn't be a big deal to do. I agree that having everything back to back is stressful. We will have our AHR a week after we come home. I have opted to just let my mother plan the whole thing. I've made a few small demands (must have a keg!) and of course will be helping but I won't be running the show. I have stressed over planning a DW for us and my very small guest list, I just want to relax for the rest of it!
  7. Yes! But only with the old host, he was way more fun!! Would you ever buy something for yourself that you knew your spouse didn't want you to have?
  8. Thanks Primavera! I hope to have the dress soon and will post pics when I get it in. Magirl, I love that dress! The l really love the back of it!
  9. 1. How old are you? 30 2. At what age did you/will you get married? 18 the first time but I'll still be 30 when we wed this year 3. Do you have children? Yes, four, his two daughters ages 19 & 17, and our son 8 and our daughter 5 4. Did you think you would marry the person you are with now? I didn't think I would even love him, or anyone, ever again but he swept me off my feet! 5. Were you ever engaged or married to someone other than the person you are with now? Yes, when I was too young to know better 6. Do you want a garden wedding, beach wedding, or the traditional church wedding? Beach!!! 7. Where did you/will you get married? Daytona Beach, FL 8. First dance - classic waltz, slow and sexy, or fast and spicy? Not sure, we are going clubbing after the wedding.....Prob slow one at the party after we get home 9. How many guests did you/will you have? 3 at the wedding but about 150 at the party 2 weeks later 10. Do you want/did you have an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding? Very simple, we are simple people 11. Vows - traditional or something you make up on your own? A mixture of both 12. How many layers of cake did you/will you have? one for the first cake and three for the second 13. Is/was your wedding/reception at a hotel? No reception at the wedding, but the reception at home will be at my parents 14. When did you/will you get married - sunrise, mid-day, sunset? Sunset 15. Did you/will you have your reception outdoors or indoors? Indoors and outdoors 16. Plan every detail down to the napkins or let someone else decide? I'm letting my mom decide with just a few suggestions from us 17. How did/will the bride enter? Barefoot down the aisle on the beach 18. Song to walk down the aisle to: Addicted by Saving Able, its our song 19. Song to make your exit: Another One Bites the Dust, lol 20. Will you/did you have a solemn ceremony or a light one? Light 21. At what age did you think you would get married? I didn't think I would again 22. Who to invite - practically everyone or a select few? Select few 23. Wedding menu - fine dining or simply delicious? Simply delicious 24. Champagne or red wine? neither, keg 25. Honeymoon right after the wedding, awhile after the wedding, or no honeymoon? we are on our honeymoon when we get married! 26. Was your/will your honeymoon be at a place special to you both or somewhere brand new to you both? Brand new to me, specail to him 27. Who will pay for the bills? Since he pays most of the bills at home I always pay for vacations and special occassions....so its me but we do it together 28. Living together: Not before marriage or absolutely before marriage? for sure, for 3 years now and I love living together! 29. Anything else about marriage you'd like to say? I never thought a relationship could be so wonderful. I know that it takes work but it doesn't feel like work, it is blissful. I am so thankful to be able to marry my soul mate. Marriage used to scare me and now I can't wait for it to be official!
  10. Thank you to all the b2b that have posted a lot of helpful information on here! I was hesitant to order online until I began to read your posts and see the pics. I even found a seamstress in my town who said to order from China but wasn't sure which sellers/sites. She had three dresses in her shop and I went to look at them and I was amazed! After seeing the work first hand and reading about everyone here I opted to order from dhgate.com. I was affraid I may get back ordered bc of the holiday but the seller responded right away. I'm going for a simple dress since we are going to elope on the beach, just FI, our son and my folks and of course me! I only paid $105 for this dress and I did order it big because its a strapless and I want it customized by my seamstress. I just hope what I get looks as good as the pic!
  11. That is so cool that you and your hubby got in the pool still decked out!!! I can't wait to "trash the dress" in the ocean after the reception!!!
  12. So I'm sitting here at work, my department has a large office and we are in our own cubicles (there are four of us), and I am trying really hard to concentrate cause I have a huge mess on my hands. There is only one other person in the office today and he is no freaking help! The boss won't say anything cause he is so wrapped up in the huge mess we are trying to fix and he isn't noticing the other person is a total screw up (my co-worker has been here 12 years)! So, me being the take charge person, I have been stressed over the mess for three days. Today my boss "ticked" off my co-worker and now has really become a bum! But, to make things worse he just started clipping and filing his nails!! I'm so grossed out! I can hear everything! And he keeps passing gas, I know cause I can smell it! He is so flipping nasty! But the sad part is he is a clean cut fellow and takes care of himself. But there is no need to groom yourself in the office! And don't stink the place up! I'm a lady for crying out loud! What happened to this world! And yes, I have mentioned I do not appreciate the manicure sessions at work and that is makes me ill but he doesn't care. I wish they would fire his butt!
  13. I confess that I have given up on the whole big wedding thing and no longer speak to my family because of wedding planning gone wrong. But I know I had to be true to myself and my FH and do what we wanted and not what my mother insisted on. I confess that I haven't spoken to my parents in over a month (which for me is like a year, we used to talk several times a day and I don't live with them) and I don't feel bad about it. I don't know if I have just shut down emotionally where they are concerned or if I really just don't care because I'm now stress free. But I know my DW, which is more like us having an intimate ceremony on the beach with only our son, is going to be exactly what we my FH and I want and best of all, no drama! I confess that my parents aren't the only reason I'm so excited about a DW and no guests. I'm excited his grown daughters won't be there (he didn't plan to send them an invite when we were having the wedding at home) and that his parents won't be there either. All of them together or seperate equals drama. And I confess that this last year with both of his kids out of the house has been pure bliss. And since they never come around I am even happier and so is he. I guess people should know they put us thru pure hell and stole from us. I had a $700 necklace from my daughters father that I was going to give her on her wedding day (she is only in elem. school now) and they stole that and my FH gave me a bracelett for our first Christmas that I loved and they stole that. Plus money and other little things around our house. Plus they are hell on wheels, both are drop outs and druggies. So I guess you can get an idea of why it is pure bliss now.
  14. I don't like to fly, lol!! Just kidding! Just don't slap anyone, you don't want to get into real trouble!! Put a tack in their chair and see them scream and get a little laugh outta it. I know, sounds evil, that is just my morning mood today.
  15. My cousin just got married last Christmas after more than 10 years of dating a guy. He is great, and they were both out of school with established jobs when they met but he just couldn't seem to pop the question. Now they are about to celebrate their one year and they are trying to have a baby! If it is meant to be it will be. Just be patient.
  16. How is your relationship with your FMIL & FFIL? It could have something to do with the fact that they don't support his decision to marry you. Of course, that sucks, but you just have to figure out how to deal before the wedding. Trust me, you don't want to find out after the wedding that your in laws hate you. I'd let your FH ask them, by phone or letter, and see what they have to say. They may not be too open with you about their reason. And they may not tell him the truth either. Going through the same thing here but I promise it will all work out for the best!
  17. That so sucks! You are so right, you do not want or need your sister as your MOH. But for your mother's sake you have to do something. I have seen this done several times in weddings and my sister even did it. You can have two MOH's. Talk to your friend and see if she would be ok with it. Let her know that you would be naming your sister as an MOH for your mother's peace of mind. I'm sure she already knows the situation and if she is as wonderful of a friend as you've said she should understand and be fine with it. Let her know up front that she and your sister would carry the MOH title but all responsibilities will probably fall on your friend. Then ask your sister to be MOH as well. Let her know up front that you are having two and then the ball is in her court. If she refuses to share the role then you can tell your mom you did try. And if she accepts be sure to lay down the law with her. If you have both of them as MOH's then you are getting your way and your mom is getting hers. Plus you don't have to worry about a flaky MOH. My sister did this after she realized her MOH was a flake but didn't have the heart to cut her from the bridal party. It worked out just fine too. Everyone was happy and my sister, the bride, was stress free.....well, as far as bridal party concerns went. Best of luck!
  18. Hi! I was getting married in my home town, we were going to have the big wedding, but now we are going to elope in Daytona Beach, on the beach. I already have my photographer and official and all. It is going to be small. As of now we aren't inviting anyone. My baby sister and her husband may show, and that is fine with us, but we aren't sending out invites (long story). I need some suggestions for Daytona Beach. We are staying near the Boardwalk and I would like to get my hair done the day of. Does anyone know of someone good? I don't want to spend $200 on hair either. Also, do you know of a place that is romantic for a dinner after we say "I do"? We also need a kid friendly place suggested in case we end up taking our son who will be nine. We both enjoy a little music and dancing if you can think of any clubs for the older crowd (I'm 30 and he is 45). Of course we won't be going to a club if we bring our boy! And I really need a florist too. I have searched online and found a few places but I'd rather get suggestions from people on here before booking. Thanks in advance!!!
  19. Thanks Norma. No, I don't plan on letting this ruin our relationship but it has put a damper on wedding planning. My FH and I had thought of going to Edisto Island to have our dream wedding but with the cost of renting a place out there was way out of our budget that my folks have set. I'm so very blessed that they are even offering money to us, I never expected anything but the whole principle of it is what got me. My father and I are still talking, he tries not to get in the middle of anything, the man is a saint!! I did end up talking to my mother yesterday afternoon, she had told me two weeks ago what she wanted my dad to get her for her bday and he and I were having trouble finding it so I had to call her. Surprisingly she picked up and was nice, not too nice, and all we talked about was what she wanted, no chit chat. I think things will get better but I just hate that this has caused a problem for us. FH and I even considered not having a wedding, just getting our friend to marry us in our backyard, and having a pot luck dinner at my parents house later. But Daddy insists that his little girl have a wedding and says Mom will be fine. You would just think that being I'm the only child she has to plan a wedding with and not have to share with another mother or father she would be more thrilled. She seemed to be before my FH asked my dad for my hand. You are so right, I so don't need to let any of this bring me down. I'll have to talk to Mom on Sunday, she is planning to go to the Bridal Show with us, and of course I could never live with myself if I missed her bday. I'm sure it will work out.
  20. Ok, so I have a mom and dad that I love dearly. They are my best friends. I talk to them every single day, usually several times a day. We are very close. I'm not an only child but I am the closest to my parents and I think it is because I was the WORST kid growing up. I did a lot to them, put them thru hell, but I changed 9 years ago when I got pregnant with my son. My parents and I became even closer and we have let the past be the past. Whenever something goes wrong, they need anything, they always call me. Up until 3 years ago I was pretty much single (only one serious relationship in that time) and had all of my free time dedicated to my kids and my parents. Then I met my soul mate and had to make time for him too. They at first were happy for us but at the same time guilt tripped me for not seeing them every day. Now they are ok and over it and we are all peachy. Until we start talking about the wedding. My brothers and sister are not my bio and neither is my dad. My dad raised me as his own and I feel like he is my bio dad. We are closer than his own kids are to him. My brothers and I aren't that close but we all know if anything is needed we are there. My sister and I are very close, we tell each other everything. My siblings all got married before me (I did get married at 18 but nobody counts it because it was annulled....however you spell that lol) and they all had lovely weddings. My parents paid $2500 for each of my brothers, $2250 was for the rehearsal dinner itself the rest for misc. Now, keep in mind my brothers have another mother who also paid $2500 for each of them and their weddings. My sister who got married last year was given $4000 by my parents and her mom pitched in $6000. Now we are discussing budget for my wedding. I'm not saying my parents have to pay for it, I told them so. It isn't like we can afford to pay for one, my FH got laid off from his great paying job two years ago and we just got back on our feet. I am grateful for my parents being willing to pay for it and all its the amount that has me bothered. I don't have any other parents other than my mom and dad. My bio dad is not in my life, long story but he is a really bad guy. My parents always depend on me for everything. When my father was in the hospital with complications from surgery and another time for phnemonia and another time for complications with his cancer treatment it was I who would drive from my house to downtown Charleston to be with them. I live 40 min from there and have two small kids and was single at the time. I was the one who would get their clothes from home, bring them food, take care of their house. I never complained, even when I would only get a couple hours of sleep each night for a week and work a full time job, take care of my little ones, tend to my home and theirs. It was ok, that is what kids are supposed to do, take care of their parents when they are older. I always give and never expect anything in return. It may sound like I am tooting my own horn but I'm really not, just stating the facts so you know where everything stands. Ok, so we talk about my budget and at first they say $2500. I was crushed. I didn't say anything. They said that is what they gave my brothers so I should be happy. I pleaded my "your my only parents" case and gave them a few days to think. When we revisited the topic they said $3500. I couldn't believe it! They weren't even willing to do for me what they had done for my sister! Yeah, it's only $500 difference but still! I tell them again that I don't have any other parent to contribute and I shouldn't be punished for only having them. I cry, I get angry (they didn't see any of it), I pout. My FH said F it, who cares. He said that it is really messed up that I give my all to them and then the one time I want something from them I'm put on the back burner. I think it is messed up. And its not like my parents aren't well off. They make a LOT of money and my dad saves most of it but does spend some on new toys (I know a lot about their finances because I'm listed as both of their medical POA and their executer of the estate). My parents are only in their 50's too and both work full time so it isn't a loss of income thing. I don't know what is going on with them. Of course I told my parents how grateful I am for the money and I really am not going to be spending $3500 (its either DIY or inexspensive stuff for the wedding, I'm frugal and I already live in the destination place!) but it is the whole principle. To top it off my mom and I got into it last week. My FH hasn't gotten the location booked yet and my mom is flipping out. Nobody else can book it, you have to know someone who works for the company to book it, because my FH is the only one friends with the guy. The wedding is 10 months away. She flips on me about it and then begins to attack my FH about slacking on it and I got defensive. She then said "I'm paying for the wedding so do as I say". I was speechless! Now we haven't talked for a week. Her bday is Sunday and I don't want to see her for fear of what she will say to FH. Am I being selfish? I don't think so. Sorry fo the long post!
  21. Wow! I too thought I was the only one. I still haven't gotten the official down on bending knee proposal or the ring (we bought it but it sits in its box in his dresser and I do pull it out for special occassions). I have a "promise" ring that he gave me over two years ago, well, we bought it for a Christmas gift for someone else and he saw how much I loved it and said to keep instead as the "promise to get engaged ring". I still wear my promise ring, with pride, and am planning our wedding for next summer. He has gone ahead and had the talk with my dad, we are southern and this is a must to get married, and having the talk means you are engaged even if he hasn't officially popped the question or given you the ring. I don't know what my FH is waiting for, he already tells everyone we are getting married and is VERY involved in the planning! I guess guys just like to take their sweet time. I get comments all the time about how I don't have the ring yet but I've got everything planned for the wedding and already started the DIY projects. They can all bite me. I say it is what you feel in your hearts that matters. And a lot of women never get a real proposal or a ring. My sisters DH never really proposed. They talked about marriage, he bought a ring, she put it on. Of course two weeks before the wedding he did ask her to marry him over a candlelight dinner so I guess she did get it. I hope my FH doesn't wait that long!!
  22. Wow! That is an amazing dress! I would never be able to get my sister to wear this but I wish she would've chosen something like this for all of her bm's for her wedding. Instead we all got stuck with dresses we hated! Oh well, as long as she was happy! But I do love this dress
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