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Everything posted by kristamarie

  1. Oh I worked my butt off at they gym all weekend! But I agree, I don't think it was a real 5 pounds. Bet its beer and water retention....at least I hope! Bridal shower is this weekend, and I don't wanna look like a cow!!!!!!
  2. Did anyone else mess up yesterday?! I did Ate wings and all kinds of other bad (but taste really good) stuff!!!! GRRRRR. The scale said I gained 5 pounds. WTH, I'll be in the gym for a LONGGGGG time today!
  3. It's so f'ed up right?!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 30 years old, and when I was in my 20's I'd diet for a week and loose 10 pounds! Ohh the joy of getting old!
  4. Ok, So i weighed my self every day last month (and wrote it down), so I should averagae that out? an then do the same this month? I like to weight myself everyday so I know what i can and cannot eat. Certain foods tend to stick on me.
  5. I am walking down to Jack Johnson- Angel First dance Bryan Adams - I'll always be right there
  6. WTF! I ate perfect yesterday, and did cardio for 45 min and weights and GAINED A POUND!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Just wanted to vent, thanks!
  7. I think all of us get frustrated and upset. I'm in the same boat! I write down my weight each morning and I am 2 pounds lighter in 3 weeks...crazy right?! Considering I stopped all grains including breads, sugars, salt, dairy and processed foods and I work-out 4-5 days a week. My FI is a Stregth and condition coach, he keeps telling me it's okay, but I don't feel like it is! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! I just keep telling my self keep moving! I wish all of you guys luck and weight loss!!!
  8. Oh and I didn't mean you were eating too much, you could be eating too little!
  9. Stop worrying about it so much! Keep moving! I would recommand you watch your diet a little more. Its 80% diet, trust me. But I also agree with Richardssd, try and stay away from frozen foods. Stop counting calories. Eat whole lean foods. Avacado, almonds, fruits, veggies, eggs, lean meat, ets. Cook everything. I usually bring my leftovers for lunch the next day. Eat when you are hungry, do not starve yourself!
  10. For chocolate lovers, I make chocolate protein shakes...yum! I use almond milk and a scoop of chocolate protein powder and ice in a blender (that's for a night time snack) in the AM I make it with a banana and on the weekends I add some fresh shredded coconut...does the trick and high in protein no sugar! met-rx protein plus is what i buy
  11. Sometimes it takes her a day or two. But I just gt an email from her on Wed. I get nervus too but she is really good on getting back within a day or 2.
  12. OMG you look amazing!!!!!!!!!! And you are right, its all hard wrok, diet and exercises. There is no magic pill! Congrats! Oh question, did you drink while you were dieting?
  13. Spin classes are fun! or Zumba! I use to hate working out too, I started with taking classes, but I get bored easliy. My FI is a trainer so I get him to write me out different programs and stuff. I'm lucky that way. BUT if I'm eating poorly, I get the guilt look.
  14. hey ladies! I posted on here back in Aug, but here is my update Down 10 pounds. I started the Paleo diet about 2 months ago. Basically cutting all grains, sugar, salt and anything processed out of my diet. I also went organic. And I feel 100% better! I have so much energy. It was easy for me b/c I love veggies. But the best part is, I've learned to cook healthy fun stuff...like spaghetti squash! Taste like pasta, but no calories! and it's a veggie! or Cauliflower "mashed potatoes" and "fried" plantains. I'm telling you it's the best thing I've ever done! and there are a ton of recipes online. This is my favorite website http://everydaypaleo.com/ I have always work-out so that hasn't really changed much. 4-5 days a week, cardio and weights. I also cut back on the booze. Only once a week which is my cheat day.
  15. Can you show me a pic with it in your hair? Does it stand up like tiara?
  16. I talked to Maria about getting married at 1 in the afternoon, in April, and she said it's very hot and suggested later on in the day. My groom is not going to wear a suit (i wish he would) but I hope that helps!
  17. Pinz- could you send me the package for 2011 or is it online somewhere? I know, I feel like everything is starting to add up, the Arch, flowers, hair, makeup, etc! It's so silly to pay $240. BUt what would they do if you didn't have one? Has anyone seen pics where the couple did not have the arch? They are- the prices are slightly higher in the 2011 but not by much.
  18. Are any of you guys doing a "basic" package? Do we have to pay for the arch for the ceremony? Maria emailed me that the Arch is $240, but i'm not sure if she meant to put flowers on it, or just the arch itself is that much money. I would think the Arch was a "staple" in the package. Also, is anyone doing thier own make-up?
  19. Hwilley218, how are you getting your bags down there? and is it $3 a bag if they had them to the guest at check-in or onlky if delivered?
  20. Really?!!! How would they know if all guest showed up at one of the restuants? it's an all-inclusive resort, they shouldn't charge to have dinner with people....thats so odd.
  21. Miconnelly, my girls are wearing blue too!! and i'll be there in 3 months! What is your wedding date? I think I'm bring fake flowers. They aare way too expensive at the resort. I'm looking into "rela touch" flowers, but they seem just as expensive. Maybe Michaels or somehting will have "good" fake flowers. I don't think it costs too have a dinner...it's all inclusive right? I'm just gonna have all my guest meet at one of the resturants.
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