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Everything posted by kristamarie

  1. I just got back from my wedding at Sandos! loved it. I did book Octovio, but had his assistant come Natalia...she was okay..kinda disappointed. If you wanna see pics you can visit my FB page. Krista Marie Mayo, Cherry Hill, NJ
  2. Keep you hair back, no bangs or anything, mine was all over the place. Granted I got married at 5 pm. It was windy!
  3. Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you know I put my review up. My wedding was amazing and perfect. I know you've heard this before, but don't stress out, everything will go great. I wish I wasn't stressed looking back. If you want to see pics friend request me on FB Krista Marie Mayo on FB, in Cherry Hill, NJ
  4. I emailed Maria, she said that most people do speechs in the dinner area. However, there s a toast in the hut. Who typically gives the toast? 5 days! eekkk!
  5. I booked Octovio too. But one of his assistants is shooting my wedding. I did it for 2 hours. Do we do the MOH speech and Best Man Speech at the dinner or in the hut? Any ideas?
  6. Okay, so my FI is wear a Tommy Bahama white shirt and the groomsman and doing an orange Tommy shirts & shorts...do I do boutonieres? I'm not sure b/c they aren't wearing suits...any suggestions?
  7. On your wedding day, everything could go to crap, but if you feel beautiful it doesn't matter! LOL, words of my mother. That being said, you should LOVE your dress. I would take it to a seamstress and have her alter it. You'd be amazed at what they can do. It does look a little big on you, but you still look gorgeous in it!
  8. There is actually a whole forum on here with pics, called Without an Arch. I talked to Maria and since I'm getting married later in the day (at 5:30), they are going to put tiki torches out instead. perfect! saves me money too!
  9. Not sure if I posted this or not...what do you think about getting married WITHOUT the arch? Do you think it would look ok? I mean the water is really the backdrop for everything...thouhts??
  10. SUPER CUTE! Where did you get the flowers and stuff for the sandles? Love it!
  11. I tried signing up for that, but I didn't recive anything...like a email or anything. Did you just go to the salon and tell them you were signed up?
  12. Question about hair, Maria just emailed me the broochure and its $100 for an updo, and I wanted to pay for my girls too, but $100 is a lot! Does anyone have any suggestions, or thoughts about going outside the resort? Thanks.
  13. Okay ladies!! I know a few weeks ago i was b*tching about no weight loss, well last week it just fell off!!!!!!! Keep moving I promise you'll see a difference. Also I read an article about how woman should only weight themselves at the same time every month, because of hour hormonal cycle it fluctuates so much! Keep up the good work! 43 days till my BIG DAY!
  14. OMG still the same weight for the past 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. MjeeWard- I talked to Maria and they cannot switch out anything for the arch or gazebo b/c it comes from an off site supplier I wish I knew who the supplier was...lol. Nmoreru- Did you have an arch or gazebo? How did it end up only being $450!!!
  16. I'm just having everyone meet up. Maria said you do need reservation s UNLESS it is at one of the ala cart places.
  17. Great idea on the swapping out things!!! I may email her and aske. I'll let you know what she says!
  18. Hi ladies! I'm wondering if the arch/gazebo worth the $240?? Could it just look tacky or wierd without one? Thoughts??
  19. Kray, So you think it's too much color if the groomsman to be in orange too huh? What do most brides do? Off white?
  20. Quick Question off topic, My BM dresses http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Short-Pleated-Satin-Strapless-Dress-F14212_Bridal-Party-Features-New-Arrivals in horizon blue. BUT I'm totally lost for the GM. My invitations were orange and blue so I was thinkink of putting them in this http://www.6pm.com/tommy-bahama-tiki-bay-short-sleeve-continental (Burt Orange color) or this? http://www.6pm.com/tommy-bahama-s-s-pina-martinique-julius I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!
  21. OMG I'm getting married there onm April 9th!!! I wouldn't worry too much about the reviews on T.A, I think for the most part Sandos has really good reviews. As for Royal Elite..I have no clue. BUT I did email Maria about the swim up bar b/c I read the same post, and she said that ALL guests have access to the swim up bar. (most important part
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