We were in a similar situation when trying to figure out how to word things. The way things stand: My parents are paying a third (which is a lot for them), we are paying at least half and his parents have only agreed (so far!) to throw a third of what my parents are contributing. In a way it didn't feel right to give both parents equal "credit" on the invitations but in the end, it felt even weirder to do anything other than "Jessie and Chris, together with our families, invite...." so that's what we did. I'm really hopeful that his parents will throw in more (they have the means to) and I imagine that once guests from their side start rsvp-ing, they'll be more willing to pitch in. I don't want to sound ungrateful because I really am grateful...I am! My we do need a little help, especially if a lot of people say they're coming! I have a 7 page budget that I've shared with both families to show them exactly how things add up. We've actually budgeted in a couple hotel room nights to surprise my parents (and his if they end up throwing in more) with a paid room as a thank you. HOpe this helps....