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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. Glad I'm not the only one. I've been shopping at 3 different stores and have probably tried on about 50 dresses. I've looked good in a lot of them, but I haven't even "liked" one of them. Let alone "loved" any dresses. I'm so worried that I might run out of time. I wanted to order a replica dress from Monica Bridal and then hopefully have enough time to find another option if it doesn't turn out. But I can't even pick a dress to order?!?
  2. Cowgirlcomo, Â We were able to reserve our wedding date with the free civil package for $300. That is the cancellation fee, but they have processed the payment on my cc. I think if you reserve a package you need to put down 50% deposit. We plan on switching to the amber package closer to the wedding date.
  3. It is best to order each item from the link in your email and make sure that you aren't adding extra options that cost money. You are also only allowed a maximum of 10 free items per order. I often find it is cheaper to upgrade items to get free priority shipping, rather than paying for regular shipping costs.
  4. Try to narrow down your resort choices based on the atmosphere you would like. After that try to decide on how formal you would the reception and maybe decide if you want a specific theme or colors. Check out the forums on here for ideas and have fun!
  5. Good luck with your planning. With Easter being so late this year, the low season starts May 1. We're getting married on April 22 and our guests are paying $2000 a week plus airfare at Moon Palace Riviera Maya. My family ahs stayed there a few times and always had a wonderful time, that how we chose our resort.
  6. Have fun going through all the great advice and ideas on this forum. Everyone loves to help.
  7. Make sure you follow the links in your email to get all the free offers. They just sent me an email with lots of free stuff and free shipping over $35. If anyone wants me to forward the email send me a PM.
  8. Chancey, You just never know.I'll be the one trying to hide from the demanding family haha.
  9. I'm always so thankful for all the information on here! Good luck to all of us that choose the replica route.
  10. Congrats Chancey9! We're arriving April 16 and our ceremony is April 22.
  11. I think it's worth the risk and will be placing my order sometime this week with Monica Bridal. Worst case it will make for a fabulous TTD.
  12. Teira - I'm in the same boat. STD's are done and now the responsibility of FI to send out since I am away from home. We have one couple booked that is not immediate family but we haven't even reserved our room. Just the ceremony date and time. But at least I feel good about that.
  13. Congratulations Leigh! Thanks for posting all the information.I'm sure it will be helpful in my planning.
  14. Chancey9 - Good luck. I got a response in about 3 days, but it may take longer because of the Labor Day long weekend.
  15. I think Stag & Does were more common in smaller towns so that everyone could help with the "fund raising" but are now becoming more popular in larger cities.
  16. We're putting ours into envelopes. If you want to send them like postcards you can change the backside to accommodate your needs.
  17. I think all my STD's are complete. The envelopes just need to be sealed and stamped. I left them with my fiance because I had to leave town for a couple of months for work. Good luck to me planning a destination from the comfort of a hotel room 2000 km away from my fiance. Hopefully I will have time on the weekends to complete my passport invites.
  18. I actually decided to make our RSVP date for March 1st. Our resort doesn't release the rooms until 30 days before the wedding, so I wanted to make sure that everyone has ample time to reserve. Just in case we have some last minute additions. I reallly hope we get a good response. My FMIL doesn't expect anyone from their side to join us, but after talking directly about it with some of the family, they might reconsider. FMIL promotes it as so expensive, we try to point out that it is affordable fabulous vacation!
  19. Congrats on your purchase Lisadias! I'm going away for work for the next couple months, so hopefully Monica Bridal will be able to deliver to a hotel without too much trouble. I went dress shopping again on the weekend and still can't find what I want so I think custom made is certainly my best option.
  20. Lisa - I got an msg reply from her last night and they added my dress as an item! Â On another note, we had our engagement session last night and was told that they would not charge extra for coming to our wedding if we purchased a $2000 package. My mom offered to spend up to $1500 on my dress, so if my dhgate dress turns out as well as anticipated maybe now she'll put that money towards pictures and we can afford to bring our own photographers!!!!! Â So happy!!! I can have my dream dress and dream pictures.
  21. Congratulations and have fun checking out all the info here!
  22. Diamond Girl - I wouldn't worry too much. Moon Palace is a pretty safe resort. I think most of the problems are on the west coast and closer to the US border. My FMIL is so worried about travelling to Mexico, but we keep telling her that there's crime everywhere so just enjoy the positive things about the trip. After all, bad things can happen right in your own home.
  23. aaost - it was included in the free templates. I just searched "resort" but you can try beach, vacation, destination, palm tree, starfish. There's tonnes of options. We were able to create lots of different items with this design.
  24. They are edible flowers that are used for cake decorating. Not the sugar kind, so they don't melt. Â Here's a picture of what I am trying to recreate: Â
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