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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. We haven't completely settled on our first dance. Right now, "Lucky" by Jason Mraz because we met in a really remote place and have had to spend a lot of time apart. But he also found a song called "Everyday" by Vetiver which is beautiful. Â For years, I've been telling my dad that father-daughter dance would be "Turn to You" by Christina Aguliera, because he is my daddy and I know I can always count on him. Â
  2. Beautiful Bride,  If you check the palace website, these are the prices I found for the tours:  Chichen Itza $100 Wet N Wild $ 59 Tulum & Xpu-Ha $100 Isla Mujeres $75 Coba $80 Zip Line $80  For Golf: $260/round $30 - $50 Club Rental $15 Shoe rental  As far as I have read, you can only use the palace dollars towards a package, not individual optional services. But I would be pleased to hear I am wrong.  And yes, you can have a symbolic ceremony there and hold you legal ceremony at home afterwards.
  3. SKeller - Pilar is our Miami contact. She has been pretty good, especially once we gave her the deposit money for the civil ceremony.
  4. Well I have to say to everyone who has to listen to complaints, "Wow! That sounds like it will be amazing. What a great idea to celebrate with the people that really matter. I'm sure it will be as beautiful and unique as the love you and your FI share." Sometimes it helps to hear it supportive comments, even if they are from a stranger.
  5. They are 50% off here in Canada until Friday.
  6. I'm hoping that most of our family guests leave the day after the wedding, but we expect some of our friends to be around for a few more days since they arrive later. We're really only worried that we don't want to be responsible for entertaining our (read as his) parents.
  7. I think I'm done creating my passport invite on word. STD are supposed to go in the mail today or tomorrow. Resort is booked and we have our first guests booked.
  8. These are great. I was looking for something that our guests could use to reserve lounge chairs and this just may be the solution. I might just have to figure out a way to personalize them though.
  9. Gorgeous dresses. If it really is your dream dress you'll look beautiful! And good job on the prices too. Can't wait to find out how things go.
  10. Just be grateful that she is there to attend and participate. The important thing is that you and your family are together for the celebration. No matter who plans it, your job is just to show up and enjoy. That's what I will keep telling myself when my overbearing family throws the shower they want and not my ideal shower.
  11. I'm trying to get y 150 today... wish me luck. Can't wait to check out templates!
  12. Well, here's my input for this week. If you go to the michaels website, you can find a printable coupon for 50% off a regular priced item. They also lots of invitations, wedding favors and scrapbooking items on sale.
  13. I got so tired of my FMIL telling me that everyone was complaining and wondering why we were going away. And then she started complaining about the arrangements. They would never go anywhere on vacation so here's their opportunity. Even if we weren't getting married in Mexico, most of my FI's family would have to travel at least an hour to our wedding and probably wouldn't go because it would be too formal. Anyways, I snapped at her, told her I didn't care who showed up, that was when and where we were getting married. She was super pi$$ed that I yelled at her, but I was tired of the complaints. It's even worse that we will probably have to pay for FMIL and FFIL to attend. If they can't even contribute, it should definitely be our decision for the wedding locale.
  14. I ended up creating an account on shutterfly. This way I could have people email photos directly to the group site. I hope people actually use it.
  15. Because we also did STD magnets, I created a pocket to go around the postcard and sealed it with the magnet. We then put those in the envelope. Some people will only be receiving the postcard, but because of the intimate details (Names, dates we would be away and addresses) we still put them all in envelopes.
  16. I'm working on our passport invites right now and am having a hard time deciding what to include and how to word everything. I'm almost considering buying formal invitations and then using the passport as as a thank you for booking/welcome bag item.
  17. I know one thing I want is to present everyone with a DVD full of pictures and videos from the ceremony. Another idea I have that is based on my cousin's favors is to write everyone a personalized note with special memory or thank you. I'm going to put the message in a personalized bottle.
  18. Tris, Â My FI and I are booked for Moon Palace on April 22.
  19. Angela, Â Â My parents have been to MP during the palace promotions, and apparently you can buy anything or anyone no matter what room they are in. The only thing is you have to use your entire 1500 towards the wedding package. So yes, your dad should be able to pay for your activities with his room bonus, but he won't be able to apply any remaining balance to your wedding.
  20. Best wishes and good luck working out the details!
  21. Fabulous job! I want to create Do Not Disturb cards too and was going to use the vistaprint rack cards. I like your idea with the raffia too.
  22. I can't believe this thread isn't more active. I love finding deals and coupons, esp for wedding stuff!
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