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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. skadow - we were considering switching resorts to double dip on the palace money too, but can't be bothered. Hopefully, we can just charge some stuff to other rooms. I saw those lights at Michaels last night and was wondering if they would be bright enough. Does anyone have pictures of the fireworks that are included in the upgrade packages?
  2. For people looking for OOT bags, I was at Michaels last night and noticed they have blank orange loot bags for Halloween that are probably about the size of a regular grocery bag and only $1. I may go back to stock up closer to Halloween. They also have black ones.
  3. Ellabaja - yes, Canadian. But Thursday is often a good time to check for any flights.
  4. Airlines have posted some better rates for April! We booked our flight home, now we just have to figure out our flight there!
  5. Where did you get your lanterns and lights from? And where are you booking make up?
  6. Very nice. Just one comment though, if you arranged outside photographers, why not just go with the complimentary package? I wanted amber package but since our photographers are our guests, I'm just adding the carriage and maybe the DVD. That way we can spend the palace money on spa and champagne!
  7. I just don't agree with going home to a huge credit card bill. We're building a life together, not a mountain of debt! btw - your website is so cute. What colors are you using for your decor? Have you ordered or sourced anything yet? I also ordered Real Touch flowers to make our bouquets and boutonnieres.
  8. For extra decor, I am bringing table overlays, napkins, chair sashes, freeze dried roses, lanterns, parasols and fans. I am just going to have a couple of guests or even bridal party set up. I don't think there is much else I want to add because MP is already so beautiful. I think it will be more cost effective this way, because I can resell the table linens. I figure we'll probably end up with 35 people so it shouldn't be a lot to carry, especially spread out between the bridal party and our parents.
  9. kyndall - You bring a cd with your choices and a list of when to play each song. Or you can upgrade and have musicians play.
  10. I'm dealing directly with Palace Resorts, because we are members and I have to say that the brides on this forum are much more helpful with providing information. Everything my Palace WC has sent I had already downloaded on here. So my advice is to get your post count up so you can open attachments. Blue&StarfishBride - I think MP has both round and long tables based on the pictures posted by other members. It depends on how many people you have and what setup you want. As far as I have discovered, the unlimited events include just basic white on white linens, a buffet or plated meal and an open bar. I'm sure that you can get square tables, but they are probably ore costly. From what I've seen the fees from DecoCancun are ridiculous! I guess that's why they don't want anyone to be prepared. Figure that once you are there you will upgrade everything and not worry about the cost.
  11. Good news.... my dresses left Shanghai last night! I probably won't be home for three weeks, so I hope they have been delivered by then. It will be tough not trying to convince FI to open the package and "just check."
  12. Lisa - Because I saw you in pictures of your custom made dress that you're not completely happy with, I will say go with the first one. The second one is too close to what you already have. The first one also has pretty details and I like the shape better for you. I also think you'll be more comfortable not worrying about a strapless mishap.
  13. Teira - I agree with Brandy. I think you should stick with the pink flower in your hair. And maybe just have the dress flower on a pin so you can decide on the day of your wedding and maybe play with the placement?
  14. I think it all depends on how comfortable you are manipulating the free templates. Some are better than others (read - easier) for personalizing. I created mine by using several different templates and checking out all the different ones posted on here.
  15. I think that if it's something you might be able to buy there, wait. Luggage restrictions are tough, and the same with customs. You don't want to use up all your precious space just to have something confiscated. I'll be bringing the place cards, but buying place card holders there.
  16. I think it's also about what you want. I could not find anything I really liked, so I chose a custom made dress. Now I will have a made to fit dress and not an altered to fit dress. I also don't have to sacrifice any aspects to get what I want. I think most of us that ordered dresses from a China-based dress maker wanted something different and original.
  17. Hmmm... maybe because she is sick it is taking longer? I never got any response from Gianinar and I even asked about a dress they had posted online.
  18. I think I have a copy. If you don't want to pay extra I believe you get your choice of roses. OPTIONAL FLOWERS 2010 Nuevo.ppt3,707k .ppt file
  19. Now when people complain I tell them I don't care if they are there. Don't expect too much respect back from me when you have a negative attitude!
  20. Karen - Now that I go back I remember how beautiful it is. And I have you to thank for being able to request photos from Monica Bridal. I really hope you get to see your pictures soon. I had to wait three weeks for mine, but at least I was able to make minor adjustments.
  21. I read your comment and thought thank goodness I'm not the only one. My sister asked me to change the date because their flight leaves early the next day and they don't want to be tired and rushed. Oh, I'm sorry my wedding is getting in the way of your vacation. We actually picked our wedding , Good Friday, so that our friends could attend and not have to take a lot of time off work. When I told her this, she said "who?" and then followed it up with "well, if they don't come will you change it." I've always been told that it's the brides day, but apparently in my family it's always my sister's day. And then today I reminded my dad that when they make their reservations they need to ask to be put in our wedding group. His response was that it was probably easier for me to do that and not expect people to ask. "Umm.... you're already on the phone with the resort!" So once again, sorry if our wedding is getting in the way of your vacation. Thank goodness I have a wonderful FI that is supportive and keeps telling me to just ignore their comments. I work 6 days a week and am stuck at work anytime that I might be able to contact my WC. You would think that at least your parents would be a little helpful.
  22. Cyn - Congrats on hitting 150 posts. You can change your forum signature on your profile page.
  23. Jenn - I found a few videos posted on you tube. Some are better than others just because of the wind. I think if we can find someone with a quality video camera we will just do that. It looks like the videos all follow the same editing though. What attachments are you looking for? It was such a struggle hitting 150 posts, but now that I have, I keep finding different topics to comment about.
  24. I haven't ordered them yet, but one of these two. Quote: Originally Posted by adales Sounds good, I will let you know. I think my mom was going to email her or call her today. I gave up on hearing back from her and ordered real touch flowers from afloral.com. I haven't seen the flowers as they went to my sister's but she says they look and feel real.
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