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Everything posted by mochamakes3

  1. My advice would be to postpone the wedding because you have a legitimate excuse and then try to go to pre-marital counseling or even just a marriage prep course. Your FI is your best friend and you should be able to discuss your insecurities with him and not worry about the outcome. I've seen a lot of people get married because it is the next logical step, and then go on to have children for the same reason. Sometimes it works out, other times they feel an obligation to stay together. Everyone deserves happiness and you should do all you can to ensure that in 40 years you still have the desire to share intimacy with your husband, even if that intimacy is just holding hands. We all deserve love, no matter when in our lives it comes along.
  2. So glad you decided. Both dresses are beautiful and will look gorgeous in any setting. You can always glam up the second one a little if you really want to go over the top with it. Think of the amazing jewelery you'll be able to wear.
  3. I had it done 3 1/2 years ago and aside from the first day when it feels like you've been punched in both eyes it has been amazing. Before the surgery I used to sleep with my glasses under my pillow because I couldn't see further than a foot away from my face. As soon as the 5 minute surgery was over I could see perfectly. It was amazing to see things clearly again, even better than with glasses or contacts. Now I don't have to worry about dry eyes from contacts, or foggy glasses. I totally recommend it to everyone. It is much more affordable than glasses or contacts that need to be replaced when you look at the overall cost. Go see a laser surgeon specialist. Your optometrist may discourage you because they won't be making money off of you anymore.
  4. I have two dresses, the long ceremony gown and then a short reception dress, so I will be torn over which to wear. I want to wear the long gown again but the short one is probably more practical. We will also be having a more casual style reception.
  5. Has anyone ordered and received these? Would love to know how they turned out.
  6. Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Black Friday Shopping! And on that note, I just discovered a great sale for FI suits. Men's Warehouse has buy 1 get 1 free on everything until Monday. Does anyone have suggestions on which to pick?
  7. Our photographers are also guests to the wedding. Should we let our WC know in advance that they are photographers?
  8. If you are looking for coral don't order #9. I ordered a dress looking for a coral color and #9 is just orange red.
  9. Don't worry, that is the most weddings they will have in a day. Sometimes I check the availability on their website to see how many other weddings are the same day as ours.
  10. No problem. If anyone gets started making the lanterns I'm sure we would all love to see how they turn out. I'm trying to decide if I should do the menus or just shapes. We might change our menu when we get down there and then they would be useless.
  11. My mom is very petite and barely reaches 5' and this is the dress she bought to wear I have no idea what to suggest for my FMIL, she hates shopping because she is about a size 16/18. She keeps saying she doesn't even want to go look until she loses weight (which isn't happening) so I have no idea what to do. I don't want her to end up looking under dressed in comparison to my mom.
  12. I'm going to bump this in hope of more comments. I want to add more oomph to my dress too but I can't add the netting to the dress so I think I need to make a separate crinoline. Any hints?
  13. Amazing work Teira! You'll look and feel amazing on your wedding day.
  14. Best Wishes to Melissa35! We will all be hoping you an amazing wedding week!
  15. Here's the link for the lantern template: http://diy.weddingbee.com/topic/2d-brides-lantern-menus
  16. I really like the detail and the length of the train. I know she mentioned to me that she was going to start showing the measurements with the pictures, so ask for those to ensure it's not too big which has been a common issue.
  17. If this is stress free, I would hate to have a local wedding! I was all set to start throwing out the water works when I had to call the airline the other day because I had accidentally chosen the wrong dates. Thankfully, as soon as I said it was for my wedding the guy waived the change fees.
  18. That is a ton of dress! Are you having a flower girl? You could have a dress made for her too! I'm glad my train is short. I didn't even ask for a bustle, I figure I will just let it follow me all night hehe.
  19. My sister lives in Virginia so I've had a lot of stuff delivered to her. I think if you contact Mail Boxes Etc. they can provide you with a mailing address.
  20. eddie and shiela - do you have any pictures of them in their suits?Did you take the measurements or have them done by a professional?
  21. Lua - good to hear you are getting your alterations done. It would be great to have another dress made with the extra fabric. I dropped mine off for alterations too, but mine should be ready in a couple weeks since they are just taking in the sides. I can't believe I am finally under the 150 day mark!
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